[b]JJ Subway Train (2), Manhattan[/b] [url=http://en.musicplayon.com/play-touch?v=617781]Glory- Lil Wayne[/url] A sigh escaped the young man as he sat down on the train. There was a middle aged woman glaring at him due to the amount of space he was taking up. To his right, his guitar case sat in the seat beside him, while a black duffle bag sat on the seat on his left. He could see that she wasn't happy about how selfish he was being at the moment, especially with how crowded the train car was becoming as it traveled more and more into middle Manhattan. JJ really wanted to keep his attention off of her, mainly because of what his power might do, but her sighs and scowls kept leading his eyes toward her. He could have been nice, but there was no way he'd set his things down on the floor of the train car. With the train coming to a stop, JJ noticed that this was his time to get off. He smirked before standing up and looking the woman in her eyes. She was ready to take his seat, but as she broke eye contact with JJ, the three unoccupied seats were swiftly taken by three rambunctious children. JJ chuckled as he exited the train car. JJ was dressed in a pewter suit and tie. He felt that he needed to look nice today for his business in the city. He looked classy as hell. Upon exiting the train station, JJ walked several blocks to his destination. It was a building that was undergoing construction on its 42nd floor. The second he entered, his thoughts started buzzing. He loved mentally calling all of his good fortune as he pushed his luck. [i]By the time I'm ready, I should have enough time to do what I need to do[/i] Several construction workers walk by JJ who enters the elevator with a few others. [i]The construction workers conveniently break for lunch. Simple enough... Now to stop on the 43rd floor.[/i] JJ smirks as he is the last person on the elevator by the time the elevator reaches the 30th floor. [i]No one will see me getting off the elevator. Almost too perfect[/i] JJ arrives at the 43rd floor and steps out to see a half empty office room. Everyone is hard at work in their cubicles. JJ walks quickly to the staircase where the 42nd floor can be accessed. He eyes the caution tape, but it's only caution tape... JJ then enters the unoccupied 42nd floor and looks to his right to see framing for windows. Huge spaced out steel beams are the wall of this side of the 42nd floor. He looks at his watch to see that it is only 12:11pm before finally setting his bag and guitar case down on the floor. JJ opens up the guitar case that contains a disassembled high powered sniper rilfe. He then unzips the duffle bag and pulls out black shooting gloves. He pulls a replica guitar from the bag and places it beside the guitar case. He places the gloves on and starts assembling the rifle swiftly. Once assembled, he places the fake guitar into the guitar case and shuts it just before getting in the prone position with his rifle. The chances of him hitting his mark without any assistance with calculating wind speed and bullet drop were low as all hell. [i]I ended my relationship with chance a long time ago. Lady Fortune is just a woman trying so hard to seek my attention. She does whatever I want to make me smirk. She ruins my enemies, no matter who they might be. She's funny with her dark sense of humor. I really don't know why she's so crazy about me, she treated me like shit before a few years ago. I think it's because I stopped caring for her... I like this... I want her to want me. I want to stay...[/i] JJ focused his sights on his target. He took a five second inhale followed by a five second exhale. [i]I want to stay...[/i] JJ takes another breath and remains still. [i]I want to stay...[/i] He exhales and holds it. JJ pulls the trigger. [i]...lucky.[/i] The weapon's recoil jerk his shoulder back, making him grunt before dropping the rifle and quickly getting up to make his getaway. He grabs the guitar case and runs for it. He needs to move fast. JJ had just assassinated none other than Claire Bennet.