For the very impatient, this post is to let you know that I'm going over everything right now. I'll edit this post with an update. -Queen Raidne --- Right. Here's the update. [u]Maxxorlord:[/u] Haha, thanks. I am fully committed to our ambiguous cause! [u]Rising Sun:[/u] Your faction sheet is a little sparse (that makes some sense, because you're basically importing people from real life). So you're accepted! Conditionally. The condition is that you provide a bit more background on the alternate universe Russians in either your faction sheet or your initial post. Of particular interest: [list][*]differences between them and our real-life Russians [/*][*]What this group of people is doing in a bit of mostly-empty terrain with some ruins?[/*][/list] I reserve the right to change my mind. My primary goal is to make sure that everybody starts off at an approximately similar level of mildly screwed. [u]MrShoe:[/u] You're accepted! That's fine to keep him alive. Technically this is an alternate universe, and they can get plucked up from whatever time/mildly altered alternate universe you'd like. [PS: That comic looks both hilarious and awesome!] [u]LeeRoy:[/u] Welcome back! You can pick up from where you [s]hadn't started yet[/s] left off. Just go ahead and post in the IC. [u]Casterlyrock:[/u] (I like your username, by the way.) You forgot a description and technology level. At least write down the general idea of a Maximal. Once you get those taken care of, you should be good to go. Also, watch your capitalization and punctuation. --- I'm going to post an IC post so that way Maxxorlord knows what your scout planes found (although I won't post for PC hexes that they fly near, of course!),