Here's some additional rules to help make your choices for a character. Hit Points (HP): How many times you can be hit before dying. Determined by dividing Strength by two, and then adding it to your endurance. Then, divide the sum by three. So, at say 20 Endurance and 20 Strength, you would get 10 HP. An average person normally has 3 to 4 HP. Stat Checks: These are rolls that determine whether or not you succeed when performing an action. It's based off of a d100 system. So, something that has a 50/50 chance of succeeding means you need to roll a 51 or higher to succeed. Your stats will give a bonus to that roll. Say you have 20 Intuition, and you need to roll a 51 or higher on a check. You get +20 to the roll, so you only have to get 31 or higher to succeed. Critical Success/Fail: Rolling a natural 96-100 on a check means you have a chance of critically succeeding, where something even better than what you were hoping for happens. You roll again to see if you get the critical. Rolling a 90-100 gets you the critical, but this time your luck gives you a flat bonus to your roll. If you roll a 1-5 on a check, you have a chance of critically failing, where something even worse than failing happens. You roll again, where a 1-30 means you critically fail. But, your luck again provides a bonus to your roll, adding its value. Combat Checks: This is another roll that's determined by Prowess. You and the attacker both roll d100, add your Prowess bonus, and then whoever is higher wins the check damages the enemy for one hitpoint. Your abilities can influence the battle, doing anything from adding to your roll, giving you a chance to evade an attack, or regain HP. It depends on the ability. Now, when you are about to take a hit, your luck and dexterity give you a chance to evade the attack and take no damage. Divide your dexterity by 2, your luck by 3, and then add them together. That's your bonus. There's a 90% chance you'll take the hit. For the difference in every point in Strength between the characters and the difference in between your previous rolls is, you lose that many points in your roll. Roll, then add your bonus, subtract your loss, and then see if you managed to avoid taking a hit. Kinda of a lot, huh? The short of it is, Prowess determines who has a better chance of winning a round in a fight. Strength gives you a better chance of dealing that damage, while Dexterity and Luck give you a better chance to avoid taking that hit. I'm going to be doing all that rolling, so don't worry too much about it. That should be it for behind-the-scenes rules and gameplay that I want to make sure you know, if anything else comes up I'll be sure to let you know!