The little village was peaceful as always as the small folk went about their day. Light flashed off of their iridescent wings and there was quiet laughter from within hollows and behind curtains of moss, as the golden sunlight filtered through the forest canopy and birds were chirping. But of course, the peace wasn't to last. With the purring noise, many people peered out of their windows curiously. But some went even further than that. "Kierie Aderren Elenye! Get yourself back in here!" The melodic voice echoed out from a particularly neatly-maintained set of hollows, faintly accompanied by a TWANG as a lyre was dropped carelessly to the floor. "B-but, but Lii-lii, there's a k-kitty!" The high childish voice could clearly be heard as the two-and-a-half-inch tall winged child ran all of three steps out of the tree, before being grabbed by the arm and dragged back inside. "I don't care that there's a kitty, you don't go looking at random creatures out in this forest, how many times do I have to tell you?" The older female speaker still did not make herself visible. "Lii, what happened to "let's go on an adventure and get our little brother almost killed?" You're being awfully cautious all of a sudden." A male voice also echoed from the slender oak trunk. "How many times have I had to apologize, Kintaer?!" "I was just joking, Lii, gosh!" "I'm sorry, I can't help that I'm scared to death that some hunter's going to come up here looking for us!" The girl at least had the sense to drop her voice, though it would be audible to anyone who was actually listening. "Relax a bit, Lii, it's been four months and no one's come looking." "That doesn't mean they won't start now." "Quit being so paranoid." There was a long moment of silence, and then... "Lii-Lii, can I go see the kitty now?" The girl sighed. "I suppose, but I'll hold you. We don't EVER run towards strange creatures." The voice came closer to the door, and a small fairy came out. She looked young, certainly too young to be the mother of the chocolate-haired toddler who was propped on her hip. Lyriia almost panicked when she saw how big the creature sitting next to her home was. And wearing all black. Sure, he was... purring, and looked peaceful, but still... "Oooh, it's a BIG kitty. I d-don't want to pet the big kitty anymore, Lii-Lii..." Kierie said loudly, betraying their presence. "Well, it's too late now." Lyriia came out onto a branch, her fluttering blue wings betraying her nervousness. "Greetings... My name is L-Lyriia, and this is m-my sister Kierie. How can I h-help you?" she curtsied as she spoke, trying to keep herself calm. They didn't know who she was. And she'd done nothing wrong, had she...?