[color=LightSalmon][b]Name[/b]:[/color] Saffron Cunningham [color=LightSalmon][b]Gender[/b]:[/color] Female [color=LightSalmon][b]Age[/b]:[/color] 23 [color=LightSalmon][b]Rank[/b]:[/color] Medic [color=LightSalmon][b]Trade[/b]:[/color] Medic [hider=Upright Appearance][center][img]http://share-fastly.picmonkey.com/prod/photo_posts/6iHiuN8jL5u_12588546.jpg[/img][/center] [color=LightSalmon][b]Appearance[/b]:[/color] Saffron is a fairy-faced woman with a thicker figure. She has short, dark brown hair that's hasn't been brushed in quite a while, brown skin with a splash of freckles here and there, and dull yellow eyes. She's accumulated a throng of scars at her hip, where she was injured a few years ago; due to this, her gait is slow and limping, and she keeps a cane with her. The bones around this area make cracking noises when she walks, if the air's humid. Stands at 5'9" and weighs 167 pounds.[/hider] [hider=Canine Appearance][center][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/300W/f/2013/079/f/f/kiri2_by_dark_lioncourt-d5ynukm.jpg[/img][/center] [color=LightSalmon][b]Appearance[/b]:[/color] She looks much more dangerous than she is. Saffron's canine form is large, long, and fierce for a female, which is good for her because her physical speed is hampered by old wounds that she can't heal. With bright, alert yellow eyes and and a long-furred, sable coat with darker marks around her face, she's rather pretty in this form as well. She's balding slightly and scarred on her left flank, which limps when she walks. Stands at 35" tall, 7.6' long, and weighs 173lb.[/hider] [color=LightSalmon][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] Temperamental at best and wholly unpleasant at worst, Saffron is a grumpy, sarcastic, disobliging jerk who [s]seemingly[/s] doesn't have any soft spots for anyone. She dislikes authority figures and, while willing to begrudgingly submit to her superiors, will dispute their decisions with gusto. She's both aggressive and passive-aggressive, and her morals are sketchy and ambiguous. She's willing to hide behind her disabilities if she can get away with it. On the positive side, Saffron is passionate, intelligent, and thorough with her work. She feels deeply responsible for the health of the rest of the pack and is known to be kinder to pups and omegas than she is to higher ranking lycans. Even if she'll complain about something she's incredibly dependable and true to her word; when she says she'll do something, better believe it'll get done. It's difficult to befriend her, but once one does she's willing to throw her day away for them if they need it, and her sense of humor--the fastest way to her heart--is snarky and easy-going. While she'd prefer to live on her own, she fears that her old injuries would kill her if she tried to leave the pack, and (believing herself to be the best at what she does) worries that no one would be able to take her place if she left. [color=LightSalmon][b]History[/b]:[/color] Saffron's father was absent during her childhood, and she doesn't know a lot about him. From what she'd overheard her mother say while she was growing up, she's pieced together that he was a Canadian lycan named Roy who struck out on his own to become a freelance artist. She doesn't know what happened to him after he left her and her mother, only that no one's heard from him since. Her mother, Sarah Cunningham, was a health practitioner after her own heart. A physical therapist and a gentle midwife, Sarah was the most dependable member in their pack next to her brother, who had been an alpha. Theirs was the Burnham Pack, a group of 20 (give or take) located north of Chicago, right next to Lake Michigan. While growing up, Saffron inherited her mother's talents for healing and developed her own unique, disobliging ways. When she was nineteen, the pack entered a quarrel with the locals outside their territory, which climaxed in physical conflict. Killed or injured were thirteen humans and the alpha pair, Sarah, and two pups were dead or missing by the end. Saffron slipped down the bank of the lake while running from the attack and pinched herself between two slabs of slate, and in freeing herself she punctured the skin on her left side and pinched a nerve. While she could dress the wounds herself, surgery wasn't available to fix the internal damage, and she had to learn how to get around the numbness and the aches. The pack dissipated and Saffron struck out on her own, finding the Blue Ridge Pack (medic-less, at the time) a year later. In exchange for protection Saffron offered the medical expertise her mother had taught her, and three years later she's managed to keep that position. [color=LightSalmon][b]Extra[/b]:[/color] -She suffers from chronic headaches and pain from her waist down. -She's openly homosexual. -Speaks in [color=LightSalmon][b]Light Salmon[/b][/color] [hr] [color=LightCyan][b]Name[/b]:[/color] Pietro Johnson-Angelov [color=LightCyan][b]Gender[/b]:[/color] Male [color=LightCyan][b]Age[/b]:[/color] 25 [color=LightCyan][b]Rank[/b]:[/color] Adult Male [color=LightCyan][b]Trade[/b]:[/color] Merchant [hider=Upright Appearance][center][img]http://notsodistantfuture.weebly.com/uploads/2/5/1/2/25122693/1390365753.jpg[/img][/center] [color=LightCyan][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Pietro is a tall, thin, and slightly androgynous man with--he's been told--a very beautiful smile. A pretty boy, if you will. 6'5" and 179 lb. [/hider] [hider=Canine Appearance][center][img]http://d22r54gnmuhwmk.cloudfront.net/photos/1/wz/qe/MJwzQEQaJWrxEWG-556x313-noPad.jpg[/img][/center] [color=LightCyan][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A tri colored creature with expressive brows, Pietro's wolf form is a fast runner and evasive fighter. The front of his torso is a little broader, but his lower body, legs, and tail are long and thin. 9'3" in length, 46" tall and weighs 198 lb. [/hider] [color=LightCyan][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] Angelov comes off as silver-tongued, intellectually aggressive, and selfish, basically a bag full of witty comebacks and neurotic behavior. He's typically a calm individual who enjoys being in his wolf form, and enjoys jilting lovers even more--unfortunately, with the move there isn't a lot of available fish in the sea, but he'll make due. Underneath his cocky exterior he's easily hurt and he doesn't like to bother others with his spurned emotions. Hyper aware of his own inadequacies and believing himself to be incapable of being useful, Pietro loathes himself to an extent; he doesn't even believe that mating will be a viable option for him. (He's too flighty, too selfish, too transparent to be loved for who he [i]truly[/i] is). He's very paranoid and holds an extreme distrust for anyone outside of the pack, towards whom he'd play the manipulative Willy Wonka of the team. He tries his best with them, however, hoping to strike a bargain; being the charmer that he is he's not terrible at it. Leave the wooing to him. Inside the pack he's fiercely loyal. Although telling people how he feels is against his nature, he's outgoing enough to ask a friend if something's up and try to fix the problem, if he can--his solutions usually consist of 'Hey, let's party and hunt down a caribou or something'. He's prone to dragging on his peers, and expects them to do the same for him. [color=LightCyan][b]History[/b]:[/color] Born to Nico and Moira Johnson-Angelov of Italy and Wales respectively, he was the smaller of twin brothers--and so it always was. The second to be born, the second to walk, the second to eat, and second best to his brother, Gus, in Nico's eyes. Growing up in his Gus' shadow, Pietro recklessly and ineffectually sought his father's approval, often resulting in either getting in trouble with his pack or putting himself in harm's way. As the years went on and Nico ever looking down his nose at him, Pietro began to assume there was something wrong with himself. When they were six years old, Gus already barrel-chested and bright eyed, the pack relocated from the UK to America. Life proceeded as smoothly as it could have, and at 20 Pietro threw in the towel on his family and left to find somebody who'd appreciate him. And here we are. [color=LightCyan][b]Extra[/b]?:[/color] With Ry gone, I figured I'd just take merchant. Speaks in [color=LightCyan][b]Light Cyan[/b].[/color]