[@supertinyking] [color=red]Michael smirks at your remark, looking at you from the corner of his eye. "Your funeral." He responds before turning back to look at this past version of Leeroy. "Don't underestimate our strength. Light and dark have their fair share of pros and cons. They're essentially two sides of the same coin. Don't you agree, Ven?"[/color] [color=lime]Ventus isn't fazed by Leeroy's distaste in the light. He knows that when in the right hands, it can be very powerful. "I can say for certain that what you say is true, Michael. However, I'm not just some "light mage". That just happens to be one of the many forms of magic I have up my sleeve." He remarks, brimming with confidence over how far he has come over the years.[/color]