[hider=Raphael Hunter Squad][img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FlyextZtBD8/UMrgiYHQyHI/AAAAAAAAUlI/6JIpBO2nZTA/s1600/ncLOHPS3Vita_01.jpg] From left to right: Isaac Rael, Eve Tria, Joshua Sted, Sarah Rael[/hider] "I remember his father; I've never served with a more honorable man, and Isaac is his spitting image." [B]Name[/B] Isaac Rael - The Sentinel [B]Age[/B] 35 [B]Species[/B] Blessed Human [B]Role and Kingdom[/B] Knight of Raphael [B]Abilities[/B] Healing. Trained in the sword. "I saw her stare down the Baron Ni once. She would have won if Isaac hadn't dragged her off." [B]Name[/B] Eve Tria - The Controller [B]Age[/B] 41 [B]Species[/B] Cursed Human [B]Role and Kingdom[/B] Warrior of Raphael [B]Abilities[/B] Sanguinary magic. Skilled with a bow. "'Be not afraid neither be though dismayed.' Joshua lives by those words; even when we were facing a dozen Fiends he never lost his confidence." [B]Name[/B] Joshua Sted - The Destroyer [B]Age[/B] 22 [B]Species[/B] Cursed Human [B]Role and Kingdom[/B] Warrior of Raphael [B]Abilities[/B] Ether. Uses a staff. "Will you be my wife?" [B]Name[/B] Sarah Rael - The Protector [B]Age[/B] 35 [B]Species[/B] Blessed Human [B]Role and Kingdom[/B] Knight of Raphael [B]Abilities[/B] Barriers. Trained in the sword. Despite their actual ages, as Blessed/Cursed Hunters they all enjoy a perpetual state of youth. This isn't immortality; rather, it's a state of suspended aging. The fact is, though, that a Hunter never retires. The two Hunters who have tried each found that they couldn't live an ordinary life, not after more than a century of service. A Hunter will fight until he dies. Isaac is the head of the squad, his twin sister Sarah being his second. The twins have trained since childhood to serve Raphael. Eve joined the Hunters only a few years ago, but proved herself more than capable. She hold a vendetta against Gabriel. Eve is actually somewhat pleased by this state of affairs and is loudly proclaiming that Raphael should join with Michael, as Gabriel is clearly the kingdom at fault. Joshua is still very young, but his talent with his Cursed Magic earned him a spot as a Hunter five years ago. He is much less vocal than Eve, but wishes that Raphael remain out of the fight altogether. Isaac and Sarah agree with him, but for different reasons; while the twins do not wish to step into a war they could avoid, Joshua seems confident that this is a war they cannot afford. He refuses to expound on why. --- "About Reuben? Don't ask dangerous questions like that." [b]Name:[/b] Reuben Meyers [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Role and Kingdom:[/b] Servant in Lucifer [b]Abilities:[/b] Hellsteel* [b]Small biography:[/b] Reuben didn't fight his way into the castle; he endeared himself to the soon-to-be-Queen Furnia. Reuben is intelligent, calculating, and only a touch sadistic. As one of the Queen's closest friends in the castle, he is given as much freedom as he desires. His favorite game is to grant wishes. When a lowly maid is alone sobbing in the scullery, he appears to answer her distress. When a Baron is in need of a wife, he is there to help. When a slave wants to run away, he'll give him an escape route. Anyone who has had his help knows, though, that you must be careful what you wish for. Reuben does what he can to grant exactly what the wish is, and it never leads to the happy ending they had envisioned when they wished it. Truthfully, though his title is servant, his station is closer to that of a knight. Or perhaps Jester, if you have a sick sense of humor. [hider=Appearance][img=http://os1.i.ua/3/1/4328372_207e7801.jpg][/hider] *Hellsteel: Unique skill. Reuben can harden his body--all of it, or just a part--making him totally indestructable. Steel muscles can't move, though, so his mobility is hampered by how much he has hardened. Typically Reuben just solidifies parts of his body for weapons: fingernails, fists, feet, forehead, or torso. The transformation takes time, so while just his fist would be nearly instantaneous, his entire body would take some seconds (and leave him completely immobile).