- PILOT SHEET - Name: Krystoff Hessler Appearance: [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/fbc7c2bf2aa282881a1d814227bd059f/tumblr_mlkceaTK2P1soongyo1_500.png[/img] Bear in mind that this isn't as much of a physical depiction of him as it is psychological. Suffering from extremely tragic experiences, Krystoff developed dissociate identity disorder to deal with his issues. Krystoff is a deeply religious, calm snd occasionally bloodthirsty strategist whom carries the burden of his other self, Krysstof, the scared and fearful rabbit. Whilst Krystoff carries the majority of the skill, he comes only into action the moment Krysstof is told that he'll be apart of dangerous situations. Therefore the picture. Age: 16 Personality: Krysstof is the most active persona spotted when you desire to talk with this individual. Of course, that quickly changes the moment a mission is laid out on the table. As previously mentioned, Krysstof is a scared, highly fearful coward who much rather flee from any kind of conflict, be it social or actual combat. Whilst on the other hand there's Krystoff, the prodigy that never came to be. Whilst Krystoff's key points are his calm and strategic mindset, often being viewed as a necessary element. Motive to live: To once more become whole. Background: Krystoff was a rather normal, high class child living on one of the outer rim worlds with his family. He enjoyed life, prospered and loved, however he felt unwanted. His father, former general and current governor of Eisenmark disliked his son because of his unrequited request for a prodigy child. Krystoff was nothing like his father's wishes beyond his looks. However difficult and joyful his time had been, however, it'd all end when humanity was suddenly overwhelmed by an unknown force of alien origin. Krystoff saw the entire city fall victim to the unquestionable firepower of these alien invaders. Being one of the ten survivors of this incident through a private escape shuttle, he still remembers the face of his father, melting away before his eyes, at least Krysstof does. It was at this critical time that his disorder took root, and everything beyond this stage is a blur. In reality, Krysstof doesn't really know where he is, Krystoff is the one with all those answers. Notable Deaths: The entire city of Eisenmark, family included. Other things: N/A. - FRAMEWERK SHEET - Framewerk Code Name: The Emperor ( Commonly referred to as the Crucifier). Appearance: [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/4066/i/2015/067/7/e/robot3_by_lasahido-d8kvybz.jpg[/img] Whilst this is an accurate visual depiction of the frame, The Emperor also is decorated by a symbolic crown, and clad in royal robes woven from metal thread, making it A somewhat less terrible compared to real cloth. Whilst the Emperor carries an uncomfortably eerie feeling to it, the designers took it upon themselves to make the machine as majestic and impressive as possible. Whilst they did succeed, and The Emperor looks much akin to an archangel, the feeling that it emits is still ever present. Signature Weapon System: The Emperor relies heavily on the combined effort of all of it's assets during combat, this being one of the major reasons such an excellent and terrifying machine wasn't put into service before now. With the addition of it's unique pilot, The Emperor may show it's terror with it's most essential tool, the Imperator system. The Imperator system works by utilizing high-powered magnets and drawing opponents into "Judgement" range, at which stage the dominating power of it's melee weapons are naught but a pilots true nightmare. This terrifying system is what crowned both it's names. It's not made better when the system itself is represented all over the Emperor as beautiful crosses initially thought to bring comfort to soldiers at the sight of this majestic machine. If active, the system will pull all metals, including bullets, towards itself. This'd only work within a given radius, and some projectiles (due to speed) would be able to escape this, but they'd be derailed from their mark somewhat. The Imperator system is also able to push objects away. Secondary Weapon System: The Emperor utilizes numerous 'secondary' combat systems, the first of which are it's weapon; the Arbiter, and it's shield; the Aegis. Whilst the Aegis follows the general principles of a shield, simply super powered to the degree or actual viability in modern day combat (It also looks like a cross), the sword is not as simple. Arbiter, the one who makes the final judgement, is a sword which carries a beautiful high-tech, yet functional design. The thing that makes it unique is not it's embedded rapid firing cannon, but rather it's vibrating superheated blade. Numerous crosses are incorporated into the design. Armor Type: Very Heavy experimental armor applied in multiple layers meant to withstand most punishment and live to fight another day (excluding the decorative layer). Due to this fact, The Emperor is, however, a slow and prime target in combat, however, due to it's Imperator system, it proves a versatile enemy. The Armor is made to be resistant to the Imperator system, and does also absorb shock and kinetic damage especially well. Heat, however, is a problem. Special Ability: All Frameworks have a special and unique ability that they possess that makes them powerful weapons of war... however, they haven't been unlocked yet. So, for now, keep this section blank. Synchro Rate: 81%