A fast forward sounds great to me! Regarding cases, we have lots of things we could do depending on whether we want a light start or not. I do have some rough ideas that we can develop further if you wish. Of course, we have the classical fraud, robberies, kidnapping, assaults and the like if we want to start with something easy. We could also do an investigation on a suspected unregistered supernatural who's either unable to control their abilities, or misuse them deliberately. If we want something huge and dramatic I guess we can start an investigative case on some kind of organised SN group that have grown tired of the mundane and thus conspires to attack something or someone. Perhaps that could start as a small investigation that would eventually become something greater? I was also thinking that if we want personal drama, Skye's mother and her SN issues could become a possible case too, as well as something related to Stan's own family and the supremacy movement? But somehow, I feel that would be better played out at a later stage. What do you think?