[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Coat_of_arms_of_France_%28UN_variant%29.png/390px-Coat_of_arms_of_France_%28UN_variant%29.png[/img] [i]"Liberté, égalité, fraternité" - French Republic's Motto[/i][/center] [u][b][i]Paris, France, January, 1, 1950.[/i][/b][/u] Paris was back to normal after the German and Italian occupation, which caused France to surrender within days. Crowds of people walked all across Paris for The Arc de Triomphe to The Eiffel Tower, where once Hitler was seen in a picture. Under the Fourth Republic, it had improved France's economy, institutions, and industry; it also rebuilt Paris and other areas that were damaged badly. But another war could happen and President Vincent Auriol didn't want France to surrender again to a powerful foe, yet it had to keep its colonies under control. But in Indochina, a rebellion was launched in 1949 and Auriol wanted the war to end as soon as they can. He sent around 100,000 active troops to Indochina and prevent the communists from taking Indochina. He knew that China and the Soviet Union were supporting the rebels, but France had the United States as a supporter as well and wanted United Kingdoms as a supporter as well. A letter of support was sent to the United Kingdoms in hopes of support in the Indochina campaign by giving them arms. Another nation that Auriol thought about was Israel, their friend after supporting them Israeli to statehood in 1948. He sent them a letter for an arms deal to improve their relationship. Auriol also told to improve factories in order to bring in more money and ask the public for donations to the Indochina campaign. [i]Dear Prime Minister Attlee of United Kingdoms, We are in need of support over at Indochina, we're losing it to the rebels. I fear that the communist nations will turn Indochina into a communist nation. We don't want another war five years after the Second World War. We are only asking is for arms, weapons that could help destroy the rebels and push out the communist. Think about it before its too late. In solidarity, Vincent Auriol, President of France.[/i] [i]Dear Prime Minister Ben-Gurion of Israeli, As a friendly nation coming one to another, we are here for any decisions that you make for the good of your country. We are here because of an arms deal to eachother to show that we're still supporting Israeli while some haven't. We are ready to give you economic aid when damage has happen to your nation's economy. Vincent Auriol, President of France.[/i] [b][u][i]Summary[/u][/i][/b] -Paris is rebuilt due to the Fourth Republic, while other cities are being rebuilt. -Auriol wants to destroy the rebellion in Indochina. -50% of the 222,215 active troops left for Indochina (111,107 left in France). -Auriol wrote to the United Kingdoms for support and Israeli for an arms deal to improve relations. -Auriol asked to improve the factories and asked the public to donate to the Indochina campaign.