[center]This is a reboot. Below is the OOC to my RP that I'd be down to restart with or without certain features (i.e ap system). Just posting this here to see if anyone fucks with it. Could be fun[/center] [center][img]http://s24.postimg.org/n232jqbx1/aaaaachakra.png[/img][/center] [center][color=662d91][b]GM:[/b][/color] Sage [color=662d91][b]Co GM:[/b][/color] Skai [/center] [hr] [img]http://s13.postimg.org/cbcn7y1h3/rules.png[/img] [color=a187be] [b]**REMEMBER**[/b] By creating a CS and joining you agree to two things. One: You will at least try to stay active. Two: If you are unable to stay active, we have the right to keep your character and play them as our own once you leave or are removed due to inactivity. [/color] [hider=Rules] [color=bc8dbf] [b]1)[/b] Respect everyone in OOC. Your characters can hate the mess out of each other for all I care (as long as it isn't driven by OOC hate that interferes with the plot). Remember, out of character, this is a collaboration. [b]2)[/b] Obviously, no God modding. Never deny your character the taste of defeat. Defeat and failure are not only causes for inner struggle and/or more plot, it serves to show that no character is perfect. One of the things that can help characters bond is the presence of imperfection. Embrace failure. [b]3)[/b] No more than 1 character per person. You may BUY a second character later using AP. [b]NO ONE POSTS IN THE CS SECTION EXCEPT GM'S[/b] [b]4)[/b] No double posting unless permitted for some reason/No spam/No one liners unless permitted/No OOC in the IC unless it's a few sentences in parenthesis [b]5)[/b] No killing characters without permission/proper combat judgement (more on this below). NO KILLING CHARACTERS ON THE SAFELIST AT ALL (unless it is agreed/planned). [b]6)[/b] USE CHARACTER SHEETS. If a character with the ability to not be affected by water is accepted (this is an exaggeration) and you use water, then why on earth would you be allowed to win? REFER TO CHARACTER SHEETs! [b]7)[/b] GM's have the last say. Co-GM's as well, but I can override their judgement. We've never had to use this rule, we always agree. But for the most part, I do want to keep things democratic. I do this for you guys. [b]8)[/b] PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU'RE UNCLEAR ON SOMETHING BEFORE POSTING! The lore and concepts might be very strange and unique, so make sure you fully understand them! THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS! I'd rather have a barrage of questions flung at me than cringing at the concept-innaccuracy of a post. [/color][/hider] [img]http://s11.postimg.org/n3zagpp4j/The_World.png[/img] [center][url=http://i.imgur.com/RfjaWcZ.jpg?1]Link to the Map[/url] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/RfjaWcZ.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [hider=Background] [color=a187be] A beautiful planet home to some of the galaxy's most beautiful, mysterious inhabitants. Lush forests and cryptic wilds combine with roaring oceans, gaping canyons, and challenging mountains - all of which the peoples of Aer call home. Mankind first descended upon Aer in year 3000, a year in which all of society decided to reset its calendar. Two thousand, eight hundred years later, the origin of man has become a mystery. Now, Aer is the home of billions of humans who thrive in towering cities built with metals and technologies previously unknown. Although technology has evolved to include light based communication, advanced armoring and weaponry, and even a degree of advanced transportation (flying shuttles, etc), the majority of it is limited to the extremely wealthy. In fact, swords, bow and arrows, and even sail-based ships, are still common. Aer is spotted by five enormous continents: Gaia, Valira, Arcarus, Sol, and Xav'r. The largest continent, Gaia is about twice as large as the rest of the continents, each of which are small enough to allow for four unique nations to form among them. Although the Valiran, Arcaran, Soli, and Xav'ran governments had flourished at one point, a World War (which erupted on the four hundreth year, lasting twenty years alone) nearly destroyed the whole of civilization. Luckily, a truce was forced under certain conditions which isolated the four continents. Prior to the Aerian Union, Gaia was a no-man's-land free for all brave souls to explore. It was a pure wilderness that was only touched by factions of Seekers. These were individuals who were known for their ability, whether it was their combat prowess, or exceptional survival skills. When banded together, they would form coalitions and depart on long journeys to "the Gaia". It was around five hundred years into Aer's history that Gaia was finally deemed habitable for settling. However, only a small portion of the continent is home to any humans. Located on a small stretch of land on the South Eastern side of Gaia is a province known as "Sovereign." It began as a small colony of Seekers who survived the Voyage, a long, perilous journey made on ships that barely withstood the ocean waters. Every now and then a small group would make it to the same little stretch of land, awaiting for another group. Those who lived back on the peripheral continents wouldn't hear from the Seekers for years, if at all. Year five hundred, about thirty different, independent factions had made it to the same land. Having set up a colony which what was then dubbed "Sovereign", the Seekers formed a base of operations of the settlement. Now, Sovereign resembles a small state, about the size of New York. It is one of the most densely populated and busiest states in the world, especially its capitol: Sanctuary. Although the region of Sovereign has grown, about half of Gaia remains unclaimed and uncharted. The central hub of Seekers is in Sanctuary, where the Seeker's United Nation or S.U.N has its official academy and headquarters. Independent from any nation's government, the S.U.N. takes applicants every year in what is called the "Voyage", as a tribute to the pioneers who sacrificed their lives in the old age. The Voyage (a.k.a. Seeker's Exam) is a set of tests that begin in randomly selected city located in one of the four peripheral continents. Young (and sometimes old) applicants can take the Voyage alone or in groups of up to four. It's a dangerous exam in which many do lose their lives, often causing international backlash against the ethical aspects of the exam. Nonetheless, it has become a global event and tradition that brings forth a hundred or so Seekers every year... out of about ten thousand applicants. [/color][/hider] [center][color=bc8dbf][b]Aer[/b] is divided into five continents. The largest continent, Gaia, is considered to be the "Central" continent. The four peripheral continents are all led by their own individual nations.[/color][/center] [i]The five continents:[/i] [list][*][color=8dc73f][b]Valira[/b][/color]: Valira is known as the "brawn" of all civilization. It boasts some of the finest warriors and weaponry where it lacks in intellectual advancement. Most of the country is a stretch of farmland and valleys with a few mountains and hillsides along the way. The people of Valira are known for their strong wills and hardy natures, though it is coupled with a tendency to be a bit too rough and stubborn. Valira's capitol is "Vantus". The majority of Valira is humans, though the government is mostly Asuran. Both sides get along rather well in Valira. ----- [*][color=0054a6][b]Arcarus[/b][/color]: Arcarus is the opposite of Valira. It is the "brain" of all civilization, as some of the finest discoveries in all sciences have been made by Arcarians within Arcarian walls. The majority of Arcarus is mysterious jungles and forests. However, the cities blossom among the enigmatic thicket. For example, the capitol, Argos, actually floats above ancient ruins which are still being explored. The College of Argos is said to be the best college in the entire world, accepting only the brightest of individuals. Arcarus is balanced with all three species, but their is a tendency for the Asura to be a bit more dominant in number and presence. ----- [*][color=f7941d][b]Sol[/b][/color]: Sol is the smallest continent on Aer, but is also said to be one of the most beautiful. The entirety of the continent is one big island. It is the closest to Gaia and is said to be original home of the Seekers. All three species live in a unique harmony in Sol, though it is also the poorest continent in the world. There are no big cities or skyscrapers. Instead, the people live like the peoples of Earth's Caribbean. Note that this also means there are many, many pirate problems. The Asura are a majority on Sol. ----- [*][color=silver][b]Xav'r[/b][/color]: Xav'r is the most diverse continent/country of the four. It is known for its extremely advanced industry and technology. Though the technology may not be as intricate as that of Arcarus, Xav'r definitely has a industrial advantage over all the other countries. For one thing, it has the largest number of cities, as most of the country is urban. As such, it is also home to some of the largest gangs and underworld organizations. Xav'r is the "New York" of Aer: a place where you either make it or you fall to nothing. Entrepreneurs, inventors, big dreamers - they all come to Xav'r with high hopes. The capitol of Xav'r is Wayfare City. Asura are the minority in Xav'r, and are often subject to racism. Indra are most prevalent in Xav'r out of the five regions. ----- [*][color=a187be][b]Gaia[/b][/color]: Not much is known about Gaia. The only civilized region in the entire continent (which is shaped like a large, diagonal triangle) is a small area located on the South Eastern coast. Sovereign, the name of the state founded on the corner of the land, is run by the S.U.N (Seeker's United Nation). The capitol of Sovereign is Sanctuary, a huge city that is known for its constant action and liveliness, akin to the urban jungles of Xav'r. On top of that, it is a city of pioneers, as the Seekers who take base here use it as a home away from the wilderness they explore. Beyond Sovereign's walls lie a vast mystery, spanning thousands of miles in every direction. Deserts, plains, forests, canyons, mountains, lakes, rivers, caverns - who knows what lies in the beyond? Seekers, to this day, are exploring in teams, documenting and capturing the mysteries of Gaia. Creatures, both hostile and friendly, are some of the highest demand when it comes to exploration. Potential homes and settlements, resources, and many other things are of interest to Seekers. But the one, true goal of a Seeker is to find and chart the various auras of the land, as the natural Auras of the land provide its owner with great benefit. (more below). [/list] [hr] [color=a187be][i]There are THREE playable races in Spectrum:[/i][/color] >[b]Human[/b]:[color=a187be] You know what a human is. Humans are the newest arrivals on Aer, and their history often clashes with the two other species' history.[/color] >[b]Asura[/b]: [color=a187be] Asuras are humanoid creatures that resemble humans except for a more floral skin and hair texture. They usually have unique floral patterns on their bodies that resemble tattoos, and they are always rather light in stature. They resemble a blend between [url=http://oi54.tinypic.com/25kplpt.jpg]sylvari[/url] from Guild Wars 2 and typical fantasy [url=http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/17300000/Elf-fantasy-17349761-877-620.jpg]elves[/url]. The Asura claim to be the first inhabitants of Aer, long before mankind reached it. However, they have a suppressed rivalry with the Indra, with whom they competed in ancient times. Asura are some of the most intellectual beings, and most Asura are channelers. On the flip side indigenous Asura (typically found in the Gaian wilderness) are extremely dangerous. [/color] >[b]Indra[/b]: [color=a187be]Indras are also humanoids, however they are often denoted as having a much [url=http://cdn1-www.craveonline.com/assets/uploads/gallery/ffxiv-heavensward-hd-screenshots/02-bweoaip.jpg]darker presence[/url]. Whereas the Asura have patches of Floral texture, Indras have patches of a scaly, reptillian skin. Some are also born with [url=http://gamerescape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AuRaConcept.png]horns and tails[/url] that resemble armored appendages. Typically more bold in nature, Indra live a much more concrete lifestyle, deviating from the Asura's channeling methods and living by guns and glory instead. In fact, most Indra never pick up channeling in the first place, but at the same time, it is common for most Indra to have been trained in physical combat from a young age. While the common Asura is capable of at least sensing his or her own aura, the common Indra is capable of taking out an unarmed opponent with relative ease.[/color] [img]http://s16.postimg.org/7z2q049tx/Lore.png[/img] [hider=Technology] [color=bc8dbf][u]Technology[/u][/color] [color=a187be]The technology of Aer is quite complicated. On one hand, the peoples of Aer have managed to thrive long enough to reach some extraordinary technological feats. However, the lack of any REAL military conflict since the World War has caused the nations to lack any sort of upgraded weaponry. Similarly, while transportation has advanced, the lack of proper funding has caused the advanced transportation infrastructure to be limited to the high class inhabitants of each continent. For others? Walking, mounts, and privately owned carriages (cars/bikes) are the way to go. Some middle class folk can afford renting out a [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120302051202/masseffect/answers/images/a/a3/UT-47_Kodiak_Drop_Shuttle_2.png]shuttle[/url] (modern aircraft). Some extremely wealthy people and corporations can even buy their own shuttles. Architecture is extremely advanced. Especially in Xav'r, where cities resemble sci-fi [url=http://img11.nnm.me/a/d/0/6/f/3d19850e6159bd2148224284e22.jpg]settlments[/url]. However, places like Sol and Valira aren't AS flamboyant with their architectural capabilities. So farmlands, wooden barns, etc are all still a thing. It is important to note that 80% of all naval transportation is done in sail-based ships. Most are actually hybrids, relying on sails and internalized engines that help keep the ships moving and afloat. Is your character a sailor? Then make your own ship! Tell us what it's like, maybe give us a picture. Communication is digital. Most modern digital inventions exist in Aer as well. Computers, cellphones, etc. However, they function using lightbased technologies. Instead of cellphones, citizens have Holophones, which are various models of light-based communicators. Imagine a portable [url=http://www.concept-phones.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/nibiru_concept_phone_3.jpg]tablet[/url] with which you could call, message, or holographically communicate with anyone while also accessing the world wide web. Alternatively, some extremely wealthy individuals also have access to newly invented [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--WBNteGEc--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/syaixkik9u07ffe8mska.jpg]Prisms[/url]. These are extremely rare devices that run on an artifical intelligence that lives within. Each one is capable of functioning and learning on its own, though every Prism always decides to "bind" to its owner. Prisms are like sentient smartphones with their own personalities. Only a handful of people in the world own them, including every Seeker (as part of becoming a Seeker, you are rewarded your very own Prism). Prisms can link up with any digital machine and operate, repair, or damage it. They are the owner's link to the electronic world. [i]Note, there are rumors of individuals capable of making their own Prisms...[/i] [/color] [/hider] [hider=S.U.N] The Seekers United Nation is the independent nation run by the Seekers of Gaia. Every year, a brand new Seekers Exam, known as the "Voyage" is held. It begins at a random city located in one of the four peripheral continents. Once gathered, the Seekers set sail to Sanctuary, the capitol of Sovereign. The exam begins during the journey there, and half the test is mere survival. Once the prospective Seekers reach the city, the real exams begin. Upon being dubbed a Seeker, an individual is given multiple artifacts. Besides a Prism and a set of armor and basic weaponry, the new Seeker is given a license and a guidebook. The rookie is then advised to go train with the rest of the new Seekers, though many refuse and begin their new lives right away. If the Seeker chooses to go train, it is during this time that they will be given the chance to unlock their channel. Once an official Seeker, one can take up missions from the higher officials of the S.U.N. or begin roaming the land of Gaia on their own (or with their own private group). Many Seekers decide to join one of the prominent sub-factions that serve with the S.U.N. Some Seekers dedicate their lives to training and seeking, learning more and more about themselves and the world around them. As they explore the continent of Gaia, they obtain knowledge and power beyond those of a normal human. These individuals are revered as masters of their craft. They are known as Hoshiko, and they are either feared or admired for their immense power. [/hider] [hider=Channeling] Though an incredibly select few are born with an affinity for this unique method of interaction, channeling is much more frequently taught as an incredibly advanced spiritual technique, mostly from Seekers or ex-Seekers to others, most often other Seekers. Whether the technique is used for meditation or combat, channeling proves to be a versatile tool in a plethora of ways. Channeling has always been a part of Aer's culture, as civilization has encountered scattered, individualized incidents spread out over the eras of beings with "special abilities". No one understood how these beings could do what they did, until one of the earliest groups of Seekers encountered a sort of primitive monastery in what is now known as Sovereign. This monastery of Asura and Indra practiced channeling by teaching awareness of the seven inner chakras and methods for accessing one through a channel. The head of the meditation area of the monastery, an Asura, and the head of the combatative area of the monastery, an Indra, both posessed the ability to channel more than one of the seven, a phenomenon that remains unexplained to this day. Channeling has since become a major part of Seeker culture and many Seekers go on to train and develop their channels. The details of how channeling works will be explained IC, but here are the fundamentals: >Every person has all seven chakras flowing through their spirit at any given time. However, everyone has a peculiar strength in one of the seven chakras. Through training one can create a spiritual bridge to this chakra. >Once this "channel" is created, the Channeler can easily focus themselves through a variety of methods to open or close this channel. When open, the concentrated energies of that chakra flow throughout their body at a much more concentrated level. >A Channeler can use his or her "Aura" (or the observable energy that serves as a medium for the chakra) to create effects on the external world. The more Aura a channeler has, the more they can channel and the stronger the effect. >Everyone has a different "Aura", and the seven chakras each result in different abilities. >Channels can tap into more than just one's chakra. Some people can channel into other lifeform's chakras and some can even make channels with inanimate objects. [/hider] [img]http://s28.postimg.org/lw8o7xm71/Story.png[/img] [i]~Here is where I'll post links to major posts in the IC~[/i] [b]Chapter 1[/b]: Uncharted >The story begins with the announcement of Voyage 2080, the latest Seeker's Exam to take place. Our characters will begin their journeys here. Note that this gets updated once we complete the chapter to reflect what has happened in a short summary. [hr] Throughout the story, characters will be faced with many challenges, regardless of how powerful they become. If your character can get over some sort of obstacle or simply does something worth mention, your character may be rewarded an "Ability Point." Don't mind the RPG lingo; an AP is simply for organization and structure's sake. DON'T THINK THAT THE AP SYSTEM RESTRICTS YOUR CREATIVITY! These are simply for any disputes regarding combat or any situation in which someone's actions are questioned. Don't think that your opponent should've been able to leap through the air and shoot ten firebolts at you that fast? Just look at their stats and see if they have that ability. Boom. Conflict over. But you shouldn't feel that your character is limited to their stats as well. Living things have a tendency to defy odds every so often, so you are not limited to your stats [b]when there is no conflict[/b] to be resolved between you and another roleplayer. An Ability Point can be redeemed for ONE of the following things: (which have to get approved) [center][u][color=a187be]AP Upgrades[/color][/u][/center] NOTE: ALL NEW CHARACTERS START OUT WITH 7 AP! [list] [*][b]Add Prism[/b] (Your character obtains their very own Prism. Read the technology section for more info) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Modify Prism[/b] (You upgrade/repair/modify your prism) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Add weapon[/b] (your character becomes somewhat proficient with a new weapon) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Strengthen weapon[/b] (your character either becomes more proficient or the weapon gets stronger) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Add armor[/b] (your character gains new armor. This doesn't apply to just clothes, but actual armor that can affect the results of a fight) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Add Vehicle[/b] (A permanent vehicle, meaning something your character now owns and can use whenever possible. The bigger/more intricate the vehicle, the more AP). [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Add Pet[/b] (A permanent companion creature. It works like its own character and you can use AP to upgrade it like it was another character, excluding Channeling related upgrades) [color=a187be]4 AP[/color] [Every new pet adds +1 AP to the cost] [*][b]Add Trait[/b] (A trait is a passive ability, something that defines a perk or power your character has but doesn't have to use, like "naturally agile") [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Strengthen Trait[/b] (Is your trait becoming more prominent or more flexible? Do you have a negative trait that is slowly fading away?) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Add Ability[/b] (an ability is a unique power/spell/whatever that your character can use. They cannot be too broad, i.e. "fire manipulation". More along the lines of "Firebolt") [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][b]Quick Recovery[/b] (Was your character injured in the story? Use this to skip the boring recovery phase) [color=a187be]3 AP[/color] [*][b]Strengthen Ability[/b] (Make a noteworthy upgrade to an ability) [color=a187be]1 AP[/color] [*][color=orange][b]Unlock Channeling[/b][/color] (for those who do not have channeling and aren't Seekers, they can use this to become Channelers) [color=orange]10 AP[/color] [*][color=red][b]Unlock Second Aura[/b][/color] (for those who wish to unlock their second Aura. Seekers can get this for -5 AP). [color=red]15 AP[/color] [*][color=pink][b]Change Aura Type[/b][/color] (Don't like what you were stuck with? If you can think of a good enough reason to change, go ahead). [color=indigo]10 AP[/color] [/list] [center][color=a187be][u]CS-related[/u][/color][/center] [list] [*]Second Character (Make a second character!) [color=a187be]5 AP[/color] [*]Asura (Create an Asura character. Can be used to make a second character that is an Asura or to make your first character an Asura) [color=a187be]3 AP[/color] [*]Indra (Create an Indra character. Can be used to make a second character that is an Indra or to make your first character an Indra) [color=a187be]3 AP[/color] [*]Amnesia (Do you want to keep your bio and everything a secret? Buy this to either say your character forgot it, or to say your character keeps it secret). [color=a187be]2 AP[/color] [*]Pre-Mature Death (Ok so your character isn't as cool as you thought it would be. Use this to kill your character whenever you want, though the GM's will have to help/approve your reason. All your used/pooled AP points can go into a new character). [color=a187be]? AP[/color] [*]Create Faction (Do this to officialize any clan/faction/etc you make. It will go on the OOC under the "factions" category.) [color=a187be]15 AP[/color] [*]Revive Character (So your character somehow cheated death. Or maybe they never died?) [color=a187be]25 AP[/color] [/list] AP can and will be used for more than what is seen above. GM's may offer certain things throughout the story for AP and such. Just keep an eye out and don't think too much about it! How do you make an AP purchase? In the PM conversation between you and a GM, tell the GM what you want to add to your character in detail and explain why it's possible. If approved, the GM will add the requested change and subtract the AP from your stats. NOTE! Here are some default traits: [list][*][b]Asura[/b]: This character may buy "Unlock Channeling" for -5 AP (stacks with Seeker discount). This character can heal minor wounds with sunlight. This character can absorb energy from plants and doesn't have to eat solid food if desired. [*][b]Indra[/b]: This character may start off with ONE weapon for free. This character can run faster and jump higher than the average human or Asura. This character is equipped with basic martial arts knowledge. [*][b]Hybrid[/b]: This character starts off with -2 AP. [/list] [img]http://s15.postimg.org/z7i2oh1or/Applying.png[/img] If you are interested in joining, follow these simple steps: [b]1)[/b] Post in the OOC explaining that you're interested as well as any questions you may have. [b]2)[/b] COPY AND PASTE the template (link below) into your own word document or whatever. [b]3)[/b] PM one of the GM's your CS with the subject line being your character's name. [b]4)[/b] Under your CS, include a short (2 paragraph minimum) snippet of your writing in the form of your character living out a day in their past or something along those lines. [b]5)[/b] Wait for a GM to post your CS in the CS section. NOTE THAT ONLY GM'S may post in the CS section. [i]Here is the link to the TEMPLATE for the CS: [/i][url=https://titanpad.com/PJySh2JUch]CLICK ME![/url] Remember, you get 7 AP to start with. You can only start as a Channeler of the GM allows! If it doesn't work, post in the OOC or PM a GM. DO NOT TYPE YOUR CS IN THE TITANPAD! COPY AND PASTE THE TEMPLATE INTO YOUR OWN DOCUMENT/PM!