[h1]Azorel[/h1] Soon enough, my slime had let go of my hand after it had sapped a bit of my body heat. The slime still looked like it was shivering a little, but overall it seemed to have recovered in the process. I grabbed my hand which was now cold to the touch, but felt relieved knowing that it would warm up over time and that judging by the weather it wasn't anywhere near the winter time. I liked the cold and didn’t really mind it, and while I was somewhat resistance against it I didn’t have any other clothes I could wear to warm me up or anything. In fact, I didn’t even have a blanket. I slipped my hand in my pocket in an attempt to warm it up faster, as my gaze turned towards the windows and the outside world that lay on the other side. Looking through the windows of the building various trees could be seen, though looking at them gave me the impression that something was off. Almost as if they weren’t ordinary trees. Looking away from the windows I saw a door. Should I open it? No one told me I couldn’t right? My curiosity got the best of me and I slowly walked over towards the door and gripped the handle, and as I did so I paused. Was this really okay to do? I looked back over towards the group behind of people behind me. Maybe I should wait for them, but it couldn’t hurt to just take a peek right? Yet part of me felt it wouldn’t be a good idea, after all this was a strange new world that I knew nothing about. I thought to myself for a quick second before feeling two slimy appendages grab my left arm. [b][color=ForestGreen]“Open the door, I want to see what’s outside as well you know.”[/color][/b] Sighing I shook my head, looks like I’m not the only one who wants to see the outside world. “Alright I’ll open it then.” I told the slime as I opened the door to reveal a large forested area. I looked around in awe at the natural untouched beauty of this place. Examining the trees closer a lot of them appeared to have some type of new fruit I had never seen before in my life. Some weird type of blue-skinned curved pear with lighter specks of blue dotting its surface. I took a small step forward practically ready to explore this new world. It was almost like something was calling me, telling me that I needed to find the secrets of this world, and yet as I took yet another step forward I had to stop myself. I could only think about one thing. That this place, this world, while filled with beauty was also extremely dangerous. I had to be cautious and try to keep safe. There was no telling what could happen in this realm.