Durin nodded at the housecarl, following the man in. Durin could tell from the way the man carried himself that he was a fighter. As Durin stepped in, he caught something about a bandit attack. Durin grunted. Seemed he might be able to obtain more work from this place. Bandits were a menace everywhere, and the dwarf was more than happy to rid the world of them, either by capturing them or outright killing them. As Durin approached the table, it was easy to see who the Jarl was. The man sat like he was a leader. Durin could easily see the calculating look in the man's eyes. He, too, had seen battle. Then again, there was a certain way that warriors behaved that let other warriors know that they had seen combat. It was a great way to pick out good allies... or dangerous threats. After Durin caught the hefty bag, he tossed the Orc head right to the Jarl. The dwarf mercenary was glad he had absolutely no talent for magic, as he was sure the elf seated at the Jarl's right would be able to tell if he'd faked anything in a heartbeat. Durin had met quite a few elves in his travels. Elves and Dwarves usually got along at the very least, and Durin knew that many were potent sorcerers. Durin waited for some sort of dismissal, as he was not one to disrespect any sort of leadership, especially potential employers. As the dwarf listened about the bandit attack, he could see the Jarl's reaction. The man must not have liked bandits, not that Durin blamed him. The man just wanted a peaceful existence for his town, probably. However, Durin saw the Elf lean in and whisper some words to the Jarl. Before he knew it, the Jarl had turned his attention back to him and asked his name. Durin nodded in respect. "My name is Durin Redfire. I'm a traveling mercenary, traveling to learn about other races and cultures firsthand." What Durin didn't tell him was that the Redfire family usually had some sort of ties to the politics of the Dwarves. Some of his ancestors had even served as personal advisors to Kings. Durin knew that he might never get rid of the itch for travel, but he figured that the knowledge he gained would somehow be useful to his family.