[center][b][color=ed1c24]Marius[/color][/b][/center] Marius wondered why everyone was coming to him about battle tactics. While ‘everyone’ was quite an exaggeration, the questions that they were asking Marius were more apt for Jacob, who was the actual [b]tactician[/b] of the group. While Jacob was young, he still held the responsibilities and burdens of organizing and commanding the Shepherds. Although Marius was not uncomfortable with conversing about tactics with the troops, he feared that he might say something that could contradict the orders of Jacob. All Marius could do at this point, until he had time to get some detailed information from Jacob, was give those asking him these questions a general idea of their roles. “Well, we should take similar precautions with any wyvern riders that we currently undertake with our Pegasi riders. While I’m sure your stead is sturdier than those of our winged knights, but, unless I am mistaken, a well-placed black arrow could ruin your day, to say so politely. I’m sure we could say the same of the other Shepherds, as everyone has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Until Sir Jacob and I have taken inventory of all the Shepherds, I can only give you some guesswork on all of your roles. So until then, I would say it would be rather unproductive to ask such questions.”