Flynn raises his hand to Williams. "Well, it's just been an hour, and since you made the soldering iron disappear again, I've just been categorizing our storage room. Apparently we're running low Enite canisters. Might need to replenish those soon." He shrugs and focuses back on flying the ship. A small space station surrounded by some satellites could be seen from the cockpit, with behind it a green covered planet. Typhon. A light begins to blink and as Flynn pushes the according button a voice comes through the intercom. [i]"This is Space Station Alpha-Zeta 45. Your destination is Typhon. We are inclined to tell you that travelling to Typhon comes at your own risk. This is a rather uncharted world and might hold dangers unknown to us currently. Do you still wish to continue?"[/i] Flynn let's out a sigh and holds down a button. "We accept all dangerous and scary things that might overcome us. File ship Argo BT-X4 into your logs. We're going down." And with that said, Flynn steered the ship towards the planet.