Hello! I have a few plot ideas that I'd like to role-play. So here's what you need to know about me. c: - I generally role-play female characters only. However, if you want to double or if we're role-playing multiple characters, I will roleplay male characters as well. That being said I normally just do MxF pairings due to lack of experience with MxM and FxF. - I will attempt to reply every other day if not everyday. I am currently in college and I might possibly be getting a part time job soon so I won't have a ton of free time. - I'm a casual role-player. My average is about 3 paragraphs per post. However, I will try to match whatever my partner gives me to work with. - I like communication so feel free to talk to me about how the role-play is going or about whatever you want! It's nice to chat while we role-play in my opinion. c: - I will admit that romance will be included in every plot. Generally, it will not be the focus of the role-play though. - I'm fine with 18+ material so if you want to include it in the role-play please say so otherwise I will avoid such topics when roleplaying. - I prefer to role-play through PM rather than threads. [b][color=007236]Plots[/color][/b] [hider=What Have We Come to?] ---This is a Multi-character plot. I am willing to accept 2 people for this role-play rather than one. --- Our characters were all close friends from the simple days of elementary to the more stressing times of high school. However, it was towards their final two years of high school where things became rocky between most of them. The first drifted away to a different group of friends. Two fought over the same girl/boy for attention. One became a tormentor to another. And the last was left alone, on fairly good terms with the others whom had all gone separate ways. Now years later, simply by chance, they are all reunited because of a similar career path that now requires them to work together as a team. (the career could be anything... I was thinking maybe Film Production, Music, some big corporation that is trying to make some 'new dream team' and sends representatives from each department which ends up being the 6 of them.) [/hider] [hider=Kill the Beast!] Hidden from the rest of the world, a small village rest in a fertile valley. While the setting seems peaceful, this is not completely true. The residents in this village live in constant fear of a ferocious dragon who lives up high in the mountains above them. For this reason, there has been a tradition of sacrificing both women and men to the beast. The sacrifice is decided by drawing a victims name at random. MC was luck not to get chosen however, her sister was not so lucky as she was deemed as a sacrifice. MC attempted to rally the villagers to take a stand and fight the dragon but they feared the dragon too much. MC decides to take matters into her own hands and ventures out to kill the beast but she's not alone. YC, for whatever his reasoning, accompanies her to kill the dragon. [/hider] [hider=Stronger Together [18+]] I've been really wanting to do a role-play based around a pack of werewolves that takes place in medieval times. I figure it could be a rather small pack in a village of humans (including hunters). There could be some corruption in either the human world or wolf world, plenty of drama, and plenty of fighting. I'm looking to make this a multi-character role-play and for that reason I'm also looking for 2 people rather then just having it be a 1x1. [/hider] [hider=TAKEN] In a dystopian future, crime and poverty are escalating. Along with this, so is much of technology due to hidden organizations of scientist whom are not the most moralistic people. One organization has been attempt to fusion humans and technology to make the 'perfect solider'. They think they have achieved this with the creation of MC, a cyborg whom they have just brought to life. It is only moments after her creation that the government bursts in looking to destroy the scientists and the work that they've done. MC manages to escape and not long after runs into YC, who is yours to create. Once we've figured out your character's role (be him an average joe, son of a scientist, a part of the government, etc.) we can go on with the plot. c: [/hider]