[color=darkcyan]"We'll leave these two to their own fate. Maybe they'll kill each other, maybe they're destined to fall in love. Either way, waiting for them to settle their squabble only leaves us as open targets. Lead the way, my friend"[/color] There was something sorrowful in Izzy's voice, though Tirarrian had no idea why. She cleared her throat [color=violet]"Yes, Durin. This is your home, lead us where you think best."[/color] As the adrenaline of the fight wore off the Gnome started to feel aches in her small frame, where she'd pulled muscles dodging. [b]Aparrently being cooped up in the cargo bay of a ship wasn't good for me.[/b] she mused. As they strode off Tirarrian couldn't help but turn around and say childishly to the wrestling pair [color=violet]"Get a room!"[/color] while smirking to herself and burying herself in her bag to prepare various treatments