[h2][b][u]Crew Application Form[/u][/b][/h2] [Appearance image here] Full Name: Alias: Rank: Occupation: Prior Service: (if any) Age: Credentials: Comment: (Here you can put just about anything that is relevant to your character) [h2][u][b]Assigned Crew[/b][/u][/h2] [@Midori] [b]Captain Lockheart[/b]- [i]Ship's Captain[/i] [@Zetsuko] [b]Alfred C. Reed XIV[/b]- [i]First Officer[/i] [@Zetsuko] [b]Donovan J. Stroud[/b]- [i]Pilot/Reaper Squadron Leader[/i] [@DarkFey] [b]Maxxine Nox[/b]- [i]Marine/Raider Squad Leader[/i] [@vFear] [b]'Red' Loci[/b]- [i]Security Chief[/i] [@Emma] [b]Cynthia Rosalind Farell[/b]- [i]Crewman[/i] [@GodOfWar] [b]Styx Yorkishire[/b]- [i]Chief Engineer[/i] [@Kuroneko] [b]DataFox[/b]- [i]Cyberwarfare Specialist[/i] [@Spriggs27] [b]Dr. Ashley Archer[/b]- [i]Chief Medical Officer[/i] [@WilsonTurner] [b]Darius Johnston[/b]- [i]Intelligence Analyst[/i] [@MrMinerGuy142] [b]Erik Tan[/b]- [i]Marine/Raider Squad Sergeant [/i]