"Today is a discussion of the Konoha Incidents, you may all proceed into the Summit. Please take your seats once you have arrived, our General will come in to talk to you shortly about the situation." The Samurai then moved out of the way of the Jinchuuriki's, standing at attention in order to honor them all. At that moment, the giant doors had opened and it was safe to pass. [center]~[/center] Kota stared at Kokai, listening to his words. He was stunned a little from the change of personality, but he remained listening. When he began to walk off, Kota watched silently, about to say something, but remained quietly. Suddenly he called out, "I-I will! I'll prove to you that I can pass your test!" He watched Kokai walk off and then looked around, sighing out quietly. Just then, he noticed the Uzumaki girl...whose name he forgot. He then called out to her, "Hey, you with the red hair! I remember you from the Academy! Hey!" He ran up to her, waving.