My suggestion for the 'turn length' reality wise [AKA how long WE control it] be a single post in a cycle [which we can reorganize/restructure often if you guys are up to that sort of pseudo-randomization] As for the setting? Let's set it up in a simple fantasy kingdom. I would prefer a smaller one myself, but if you guys are feeling up to ruling a massive kingdom then yes. I say we start as a prince/princess [Race open to interpretation, the only thing really denied to us is Halfling/Hobbit due to their lack of monarchal nature, etc. A mayor perhaps? Run for Mayor as our intro...Could be interesting, eh?], and through the course of our actions become the ruler [Whether it be assassinating our parents, or simply going through the paces and becoming honest and proper rulers, etc] Magical capacity? I vote a no on 'us' being capable of doing it, but I'm flexible and can work with it. I like the concept of being outmatched in situations and us needing to be on our toes. The kingdom itself? That's where I start to split my preferences and would like to see you guys' input a bit before I can solidly form my own ideas. There are plenty of initial conflicts and driving points we can do once we get the general setting nailed out.