[@KatherinWinter] [color=f49ac2]"Okay, then! I'll make one for you when I get the chance again." [/color]Even at the moment, Kido couldn't help thinking of combinations of color and texture to create a new crown. If it was going to be one for her specifically, it would have to match the subject at least a little bit. He was sure that he'd come up with something good eventually, though, probably after lunch. [color=f49ac2]"I bet they probably have some fruit or maybe something dessert-like for after. Like maybe biscuits or pudding." [/color]He mulled over the possibility in his head as the dining hall came into sight. He doubted that there would be anything particularly fancy, but maybe they would be allowed something small as an option to go with the food. Unless they were planning on something bigger later, he supposed. [color=f49ac2]"Oh, what kinds of activities do you like, by the way?" [/color]