crap, I'm so sorry. Things have been rough around here, finally remembered this, though! Slowly, the sun sank down beyond the horizon. With the mountains there to block it out, the sunsets were fast. He'd always liked the sunsets here. They weren't drawn out, and they weren't colorful, but they were usually beautiful, and usually golden. Today, he flew through the darkening sky, watching it set as he headed for home. By the time he reached the castle, the moon was the brightest object in the sky. Touching down upon the ground, the young prince gave a nod to his companion. "Well done today. Get some rest. I will excuse you for tomorrow, spend the day off. Go to the bars or dancers or something." He informed the boy. He smiled at him, watching the kid's eyes light up. If he remembered right, this boy had only passed into adulthood recently. A few months ago, he thought. Aranhil stretched lightly, his spine popping gently, before he rolled his shoulders, shook his head, and went inside. He should find his wife, to wish her good night before bed. Stopping a maid in the hall, he asked, "Did my wife retire for the night?"