Cassandra was just still staring at her book, listening as the music changed. Either the person who was Jukebox was randomly choosing songs like in DGO, or they and some really adaptive tastes in music. [i]Love in an elevator? I don't think I've ever heard that before[/i] She thought to herself. She wished she had that confidence, although she suspected that 'Jukebox' would be punished for putting the music over the PA system. [i]come on, come on, come on. Go up to someone. Talk with them. You won't be a burden to them. What are you going to do when you graduate? Write things on paper? Don't be a wuss![/i] she berated herself, but she made no move to even get up, her hands curling up, nails digging into her skin as she tried to make a move to get up, to go over to someone. She took a heavy breath, breathing in deeply, and let it out slowly, relaxing her hands, she glanced about, shutting her book. There wasn't too many people in the class yet, so maybe Cassandra was earlier then she thought she was. Or maybe people were distressed about DGO being offline and eagerly awaiting it to return. There seemed to be one guy that she recognised from a few classes. He had blond hair, and seemed intent on just blending in, not really socialising much in class, nor outside of class that she knew of. Not that she spent much time talking with anyone herself, nor even watching her classmates, but it seemed like a good place to start with trying to make friends. Or even talking with anyone. She swallowed and went to get up, walking over. Well. trying to walk over. Cassandra had a bad habit of falling over. She was a walking disaster, the clumsiest person that she knew. She slammed into the guys desk when she stumbled, trying to catch herself and only ended up stopping herself from smashing her head against the desk and practically tumbling into the guys lap. She stumbled back, blushing furiously, [color=f6989d]"Oh, god, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"[/color] She said, saying it over and over again, closing her eyes and pressing a hand to her mouth to get herself to shut up.