Judgement’s momentum carried him back to the ground after his successful strike launched his opponent into the far wall. He was showing considerable agility for one of his size, an advantage he often pressed in battle when one expected his movements to be cumbersome and slow. He was focused on eliminating the first of his enemies before dealing with the other, showing the single-minded determination of a focused warrior, relying on his ally to distract or even eliminate the other foe. In regards to the second enemy, who was now strangely attempting to rush him and strike at his legs, a poor target at best, he somehow got past the huge sword in Judgement’s hands which was currently pointed off to his left and behind him after his initial swing. However, Judgement was unwilling to turn and face him, rather relying on his greater speed and momentum to outrun the strike, avoiding it simply by moving his entire body, including his legs, further forward than Tordor’s sword could reach. He was still pursuing the smaller enemy he had struck, with complete control over his momentum and movement still his there was nothing stopping Judgement reaching the stricken foe half a second after she slammed into the wall. Could she stand before he delivering a killing blow? Inconclusive. Still, Judgement wanted to test her to the last, with no space left for her to flee backwards her method of escaping the slicing crescent of his great blade were limited at best. Coming from the opposite side this time he struck as she stood. his left foot forward and his body turned, his sword threatened low at waist height, the point of his blade potentially skimming the wall behind her such was the closeness of his strike. Judgement’s great strength gave the heavy blade a frightening swiftness, the Divine edge set to rend her fragile body in two.