We always seem to have 1 guest viewing our RP. It's okay to say hello or something here, even if you don't want to be a part of the RP. I used to do that a lot pre-guildfall. Though I tended to turn into a raging fanboy. "Oh man, I love this RP; it's amazing. Can I get your guys's autographs or something? I love this character, and that character," it always made the people in that RP way more active when they learned that someone was just reading their stuff because they loved it. I kind of wish people still did that today, but eh. Things change as time goes on. The good stuff is dropped for other good stuff, but the bad stuff always stays the same. I kind of wish I was a bit more involved plot-wise, but Tek's got everything locked up in that vault called his mind. It would help me to be able to push things whenever he's gone.