Tordor tipped his hat as he smiled knowingly. It seemed his proposition would be ignored. very well, it couldn't be helped. While he despised the idea of fighting women, it couldn't be avoided and he’d have to make an exception perhaps just this once. If they were chosen to participate within this challenge, than the choice was now outside his hands. Losing was simply not an option- for the sake of those who counted on him… he needed to know. He had to know. He noticed the dwarf woman retreat some distance away, the reason plainly obvious to anyone even if they possessed no acume for battle tactics. So the woman could attack from a distance? Interesting. Likely she choose to do so believing Tordor’s sword was his only weapon. His own pistols still out of sight under his greatcoat. Sadly for the dwarf, who had been too rude to even introduce themselves and conduct themselves as befitting a warrior, Tordor had started already preparing for just such an attack. As the woman raised her hand; Tordor for his part did not so much as bat an eye or make any obvious show that he was aware of what she was planning. Gold and red light flashed into existence and seemed to spring toward Tordor. To the naked eye it seemed in one instance the spear of light was speeding toward its target, than the next the spear had flown past Tordor’s chest just missing him by inches. Standing at an angle to his opponent meant he needed to move much less of his body than if he had been standing straight and forward facing them. The gentlemen turned multiverse mercenary leaning back just before the bolt of light was launched in his direction. Avoiding it hitting his left shoulder as it sailed by him, the resulting displaced air sending his coat bellowing back. The lance swept by to end up skewing a pillar of black liquid several meters away. After it had passed Tordor was standing straight again as easily as he had been before. A hand on his hat and head down slightly. Having used sleight of hand to press the trigger activation for his blade, causing the wheel mechanism to spin in a low hum. [color=DarkSlateBlue]“Well, that was rude.”[/color] His freehand brushed the sides of his greatcoat and thumbed the side of another trigger near his waist that started a spinning wheel for his two pistols. He sighed as he added [color=DarkSlateBlue]“But it can’t be helped. Yet, it would be rude of me to fight one who’s name I yet do not know.”[/color] He looked toward the dwarf woman then, a serious gleam in his brown eyes that hadn't been there before. [color=DarkSlateBlue]“So will you give me a name young warrior? Or will you die unknown?”[/color] Meanwhile, he kept in the same stance as before his left leg leading, right behind it and ready in case another wanted to act.