[@Wraithblade6][@supertinyking] "if you had intended upon purchasing the cow then things would have been a seperate tale all together. While we do not give away donations unless in times of excess, we do sell them to those in need. Come, you two level headed brothers of the clothe may follow me inside" the man says with a friendly smile, leading the armored solaire and eclipse inside the fort, cattle of various forms grazing on the grass inside and being cared for by what look to be initiates, the rather blocky and angular features of a minecraftian cow being spottable in the background with a team of people being issued to milk her and haul endless lines of buckets to a tiny tent that doesn't look like it should house that much of anything at all. "what is going on here initiate mickael?" the man asks curiously, the initiate in black robes bowing his head to the palidan as he says "it's the cow, sir, she's not running out of milk." "strange... well, gentlemen, it would appear as though this one is not for sale currently." the man replies evenly as he turns back to face the two men that had followed him.