[hider=W.I.P]Faction Name: The Sovereign nation -Faction Type: Freedom fighters -Faction Main Base of Operation: Westland -Faction Goals: The creation of their own state, and to improve the new state so as it could become great. -Faction Composition: youth from all over the country who wish end Gray's rule and see a new nation for themselves. equipped with semi modern weapons this group of rebels -Initial Assets: Foreign support from several PEACEFOR nations in the form of arms and food. in exchange for allowing access for PEACEFOR forces through, and supporting them fight. -Methods of Operation: centralized, but with a clear line of succession, due to it's limited number of official military trained individuals the loss of one or many can be a mighty blow to the cause, at least for now. -Faction History: the movement was formed out of a company of soldiers that had become disillusioned by how their nation was, with little choice but to rebel they created the sovereign nation in westland, to protect their "newly created nation" they established the Sovereign nation's armed forces or S.N.A.F. While the force it's self is small it is at least some what trained in the use of their weapons. -Faction Leadership: (The decision makers of your group. Take note that a lot of people will die and a satellite guided cruise missile can quickly decimate a leadership. Expect people to come and go from that list so if you have a 100% centralized leadership expect your orders to be followed to the letter, but with a certain vulnerability to decapitation strikes.) -Faction Eyes: (To describe battles, you can hardly do so from the eyes of a leader as not to risk him. These people are small timer grunts, civilians sympathetic to the cause. You can be brief about these people and hey, maybe include a few grunts destined to be upgraded to leadership later.)[/hider]