[b]Name:[/b] Charles Redfern. [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Charlie. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Age:[/b] Thirty-one. [b]Height:[/b] 6’4” [b]Weight:[/b] 195lbs. [b]Sin:[/b] Pride. Appearance [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark brown. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green. [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian, British. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Charles takes great pains to ensure that his appearance is immaculate. His dark hair is kept trimmed and neat, facial hair the same, in a pleasing and professional looking manner. He keeps himself fit and healthy, wanting to make sure that when he does have to be physical in his job, he is able to do so. The few scars he does have from back home are concentrated around his torso and easily covered by his attire. [b]Attire:[/b] Primarily Charles tends to dress in tailored, expensive clothing, dark suits and the like, as he is far too proud to be seen in anything other than the best. When out and about, he tends to keep a small flick blade on his right ankle. When at home, he still wears high quality items, just a more casual manner, with sweaters and trousers. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] Reserved and somewhat quiet, Charles tends to leave idle chit chat to the other members of the gang. That’s not to say he doesn’t speak, he will engage in conversation with the others, contribute to plans and further the goals of the group as a whole. He tends to see the others as slightly below him, however, as he views himself as the reason the gang has evolved to what it has now, his pride inflating his sense of importance slightly. He has a ruthless streak, not allowing obstacles to get in his way for long, if at all and is willing to get his hands dirty to remove a problem if needs be. There’s the very strong possibility that he maintains a contingency plan to eliminate the other sins should he need to, although he hopes it will never come to that, as it’s a lot of work and they are useful in their own ways, even if its just to offer more than one target for their competition. The only people he genuinely cares about are, you guessed it, his family back home. His grandmother, mother and one brother are all the family he has left and he makes the distinction to separate them from the life he currently leads as not to endanger them. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Cycling, fencing, collecting firearms and cars, whiskey and wines. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] An accomplished marksman, Charles has been collecting firearms for many years and ensures that those that are able to fire (He has some beautiful classics that are deactivated) he is proficient with. His physical fighting would be at a “drunk brawling” level of competence. Charles has a particular talent in torture, as do many of his colleagues and is quite happy to put that skill to use when he can. [b]History/Bio:[/b] Charles considers the life he currently leads to have only truly begun when he stepped off the plane from his home country of England and onto American soil. He would say, briefly, that he had a comfortable childhood with a caring and loving family, did not suffer any kind of emotional or physical trauma and left school with solid grades and excelled at university. It was after these events that things took a turn for the slightly less legal. As a young man fresh out of university, Charles entered business with a partner, a friend he had graduated with, and their business was successful for a time, until it became apparent that they were doing well because of connections his friend had maintained with a south London group. The two were absorbed into the gang after some time, through the course of business and Charles found he had a knack for ‘persuasion’. At the age of twenty-five, he moved to America as part of an expansion, helped establish his gang and eventually moved up the ladder till he was the second in command. The money was good, the power was even better and all things were going well, till the group gained the attention of Declan Kavanaugh, then leader of the Seven Sins. Charles and his boss were given two choices; a job working for the sins, or dirt naps. While the boss didn’t want to give in, Charles knew that there was even more power to be had by joining the sins and did just that, betraying his old mentor. His first act as a part of the Sins was, as expected, removing his old boss and absorbing his original group into the Sins, something he did without hesitation. Since then, he has worked his way up the ladder once more and would have gunned for the top spot himself, but the current leader of the Sins has put his plans onto the back burner. As a top member, he has enough money and power to remain satisfied for now. And although his pride won’t allow him to settle for anything but total control, he’s managing to keep that under control at the moment and is happy to remain where he is, unless something better were to come along. To maintain his high life style, modeling himself after the Scarfaces and the Goodfellas of the movie world, Charles has opened several legitimate businesses in the form of clubs and casinos. He knows the vices of the people are their biggest weaknesses and preys on them for his own benefit. He currently operates the most exclusive club in town. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Grandmother, mother and brother back home. Other than that, no one.