Short Summary Blurb: In 199X, the Sun Ridge Boarding Institution is struggling with Class Warfare between the Cliques. These Dominate Cliques are plotting and scheming to increase and further their control of the school. [hider=Character Sheet]Name: [Self explanatory] Species: [Are you a human, or some other abnormal creature?] Age: [Self explanatory] Gender: [Self explanatory] Appearance: Written or Pic [Side note: I personally prefer written, but either is fine.] Faction: [Which Student Clique do you serve? Or are you a pitiful Factionless?] Personality blurb: [A general outline of your personality] Biography blurb: [A general outline of your past before arriving at School] Powers: [Anything abnormal/supernatural/technological based in nature.] Abilities: [Anything fairly normal in nature] Weapons: [Oh totally against school policy to have weapons such as knifes, guns etc. Having that is a surefire way to be roughed up by the Administration. But packing a sling-shot, yo-yo, stink bomb or anything like that tends to be free game] Other: [Anything else you'd like to add][/hider] Note on Characters: For Character Sheets, I'd prefer them to be tossed in the CS initially, and then I'll go about judging them. I'd prefer to not bog-down the OOC with constantly having the CSes be mentioned their first, plus saves you time in having to transfer the CS from OOC to CS Tab. [list][b]The Cliques[/b] [*]Preppies - Behold the Beautiful Elite. They are your aloof aristocrats and plutocrats, engaged in the deadly dance of 'Courtly Affairs' and having such rabble near their pristine existence. [*]Punks - They are the truest anti-conformists who will stick it to the Man! Outcasts of all sorts exist in this conglomeration of rebel minded spirits. [*]Jocks - These Paragons of Physical Prowess are an essence of glory and determination. Through training and determination they work to achieve great deeds. [*]Nerds - Knowledge is power, well not physical power but it does come in handy. These rag-tag misfits use their studious ways and odd interests to what advantage they can. [*]Bullies - The world is there for the taking. And these thugs will extort and abuse all who stand in the way of getting what they want. [*]Entertainers - All the world wants to do is to laugh. This batch of class clowns, thespians and kin seek to do really whatever is amusing at the time. [*]Administration - This is the governmental body of the school. They are what they say, they are the Administration, the school staff and the Prefects who enforce their will when need be.[/list] Headquarters - These are the Capitol Domains of the territories held by the various cliques. [list][b]Faction Headquarters List[/b] [*][Administration] Headmaster's Office: Even the dead have no mercy from this place. The accounts vary from Clique to Clique concerning the true nature of this horrid realm, but what is known is that if you aren't part of the Administration you do not want to be anywhere near there. [*][Bullies] The Vault: This is the central zone connecting the Bullies subterranean domains, forged by the ruins of schools destroyed by Clique Wars past. It is here where the Khan of the Bullies reigns supreme and collects rightful tribute. [*][Entertainers] Playhouse: This majestic theater is an ample stage for which the entertainers may perform. It is heavily decorated with props from all manners of entertainment. It is here where the stage lights shine upon the Star Performer and the Twin Ensemble who guide their kin to a new era of performance. [*][Jocks] Gymnasium: Here is where true champions are born and molded. This sanctified hall with its collection of bleachers and well maintained gym serves as a grand practicing ground for the challenges ahead. The rotating Lords of Sports guide their team-mates to achieve victory! [*][Nerds] Athenaeum: This great library is everflowing with twisting bookshelves filled with a plethora of printed knowledge. Here the Nerds are safe from those who would bring misfortune upon them. This holy sanctuary is where Arch-Dungeonmaster commands the champions of this realm. [*][Preppies] Whiterose Palace: This grandiose and ornate castle-like building, over-seeing the school proper, serves as the home of the Preppies Royal Court, and holds countless servants ready to serve their masters. Here they are among their own and have no need to concern themselves with the worries of the world of the peasantry. The Regent keeps their fellow blue-bloods in line. [*][Punks] Wastelands: On the edge of the school there is a vast collection of dilapidated remains of older schools that managed to survive the chaos of previous years. Here the Punks rules free from the man and are guided by the Revolutionary.[/list] Clique Relations (in a short, quick abstract format.) [b]Preppies:[/b] [i]TOLERATE[/i] Nerds, [i]HATE[/i] Punks and Bullies and [i]DISLIKE[/i] Entertainers and Jocks [b]Bullies:[/b] [i]HATE[/i] Nerds, Entertainers and Preppies, and [i]DISLIKE[/i] Punks and Jocks [b]Punks:[/b] [i]TOLERATE[/i] Entertainers, [i]HATE[/i] Preppies, and [i]DISLIKE[/i] Bullies, Jocks and Nerds [b]Jocks:[/b] [i]TOLERATE[/i] Entertainers, [i]HATE[/i] Nerds, and [i]DISLIKE[/i] Punks, Preppies and Bullies [b]Nerds:[/b] [i]TOLERATE[/i] Entertainers and Preppies, [i]HATE[/i] Jocks and Bullies, and [i]DISLIKE[/i] Punks [b]Entertainers:[/b] [i]TOLERATE[/i] Jocks and Punks, [i]HATE[/i] Bullies and [i]DISLIKE[/i] Preppies [hider=The Relations in More Detail][list]Clique Relationships Explained [*]Preppies TOLERATE Nerds for their inherent toadiness, (it makes them much easier to reign in) HATE Punks and Bullies for their violent anti-society diatribe, and DISLIKE Entertainers and Jocks for being low-class ruffians and clowns. [*]Bullies HATE Nerds, Entertainers, and Preppies for being pansies, and DISLIKE Jocks and Punks because bullies violently oppose anything that isn't moping about, taking things you want, and making people cry. [*]Punks HATE Preppies for being THE MAN, and they DISLIKE Bullies and Jocks for their violence making sticking it to THE MAN difficult. And they DISLIKE Nerds for being cogs to THE MAN, and TOLERATE Entertainers because there's really nothing they do that would offend a Punk. Plus Grease and West Side Story are cool, as they relate to the Punk's inner rebellious spirit. [*]Jocks HATE Nerds for their disgusting weakness, and they DISLIKE Punks, Preppies, and Bullies for thinking they're hot stuff without bothering to work for it. And they TOLERATE Entertainers because they can understand hard work and most Cheerleaders, (and Drill Team) also do theater. Of course, the band kids are still fair game, because [i]seriously[/i] they are band kids. [*]Nerds HATE Bullies and Jocks because bullies and jocks hate [i]them.[/i] They DISLIKE Punks because of their constant yammering about how evil basic cultural concepts are, and they TOLERATE Entertainers and Preppies because they will often give Nerds work. [*]Entertainers HATE Bullies for always busting down their set pieces and in general ruining their artwork/performances, DISLIKE Preppies for their snooty hatred of "low-brow" culture, and TOLERATE Jocks and Punks because they can be convinced to help out every once in a while and can appreciate some forms of art (so long as said art panders to them).[/list][/hider] [hider=Miscellaneous School Facts][list][b]Some Miscellaneous Facts on the School[/b] [*]Sun Ridge Boarding School 'Team' Name: Sun Ridge 'Burning' Templars [*]School Mascot: Sariel the Inquisitor [*]School Colors: White/Amber [*]School Motto: Passion is Always Burning.[/list][/hider] Other Notable Places [b]Cinders Landing[/b]- It is a highly dense and populous metropolis a few miles Southeast from the Sun Ridge Boarding Institution. This city is heavily focused in shipping and factory production. The skies just above Cinders Landing are blackened by smog, and the sections of towns (sans the collection of slums in the middle of the city, Sludge Beach and the Densworth Bridge) are divided among the Five MegaCorps that rule over their districts. (The Currency of Cinders Landing are the five forms of Corporate Scrip that are applicable in the territories in which it was issued.) [list][b]The MegaCorps of Cinders Landing[/b] [*]Kineyeva-Hyland Consolidated [*]K5-EVA [*]TsasuTech [*]Zephyr LLC [*]Volante Industries[/list] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PCs (Shall be updated with other fluff and such, but for now just serves as an easy directory to the PCs) [url=]Rafaelo "Schnell" Siegfried[/url] - Factionless [url=]Summers[/url] - Punk [url=]Anya[/url] - Bully [url=] Julie 'Lee Lee' Smith[/url] - Entertainer [url=]Urist MacFistbeard III[/url] - Factionless [url=]Steven Diggs[/url] - Punk [url=]Nikolai Jackson[/url] - Nerd [url=]Artemis Turner[/url] - Entertainer _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Handy-Dandy NPC Guide (As more important NPCs arrive and are formed, this will serve to provide a basic knowledge to check back on, on who exactly are they) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Events that Happened (As stuff happens, this section will be devoted to providing a blurb on what has happened in the game/story so far) ____________________________________________ Alright! So feel free to mention your comments/questions/concerns, and let's get to it.