[h1] Cameron [/h1] Cameron walked the streets of the city in the nurses outfit she was found commonly wearing. The chainsaw was thrown over her shoulder and a lollipop stick hung out of her mouth. [i]Meh, where could those kids have gone.[/i] Cameron thought to herself as she pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and then put it back in again. She was always doing some sort of work for the prince. It didn't really bother her. She just didn't like to baby sit. She walkways though that kids got annoying and that they talk to much and that they never know when to go to bed. Half way through the meeting by the docks Cameron just stopped paying attention. There was a lot of stuff going on other than just talking. The water rushing, the moon shining, screams of people being killed in the distance. Those were her favorite sounds. Reminds her of when she was a young kid. Cameron was about to slip into an ally way and feed for the night when she saw one of the cars stop at a stop light up the road a little ways. She knew the car belonged to one of the people at the meeting. She didn't catch any of their names. She just knew that there were cars and people drove them. Cameron sighed as she ran down the side walk and across the street following the car. As she ran the few people That were on the street at this hour gave her weird looks. Was it the chainsaw, the nurses outfit, the fact that she was running faster than a normal human? She didn't care. Cameron just knew she had to catch up to the car. Cameron watched as the car pulled into an ally and the people went inside. She waited for the other car to show up before approaching the door. She took the lollipop out of her mouth and threw it into the street. Cameron lifted her hand and sighed. After knocking on the door she waited for a reply.