Iron maiden glanced in Wolf's direction when she had suggested that she take off the helmet before suddenly being complemented on her suit. She nodded her thanks. "Thanks. I made it." She told her simply before they entered the big room. Seeing all these different people here before her with on or two that may not be human at all. Upon being introduced to these people, she took a silemt calm breath before deciding that if she was to have this work without any problems, she would need to take off the suit. Opening up from the front, a teenager appeared that seemed to look like she was eighteen if not too older. She stepped out of the suit which closed up to be whole again and began to.come alive it seemed. Only.looking down to its wearer. The teens brown hair was down, her wearing a black shirt, white hoodie jacket which she flipped the hood up. Also wearing dark blue denim jeans and tan combat boots that looked like she got them from the army. Her hazel red eyes scanned the area around her before landing to.the people infront of her. "I did indeed it seems. My actual name is Riza Stark. The A.I that controls the suit if i do not wear it is named Jarvis." The teen introduced as the suits head looked from her to everyone else. She did not know what else to say so she waited for the question that she would answer as truthfully and as best as she could.