Her head snapped around to see a man with a bottle and a mace walk past her. He had opened the damaged wooden door, which may have caused trouble for her if she was to try open it. She followed him out, her feet stepping into the puddles of blood that had flooded around the door. She was seemingly unfazed by the gruesome sight, as if her mind intentionally blanked it all out and replaced it with a regular puddle of water. The fog surrounded them, making it hard to see, but that didn't really bother Alya at all, because fog was something that happened on occasion and there was no point in making a fuss about it. She heard a metallic [i]clink[/i]. Followed by a series of tapping sounds against what she made out to be from glass. It was coming from the house next to the tavern; she didn't know who owned it, neither did it matter to her. She wanted to know what was making the noise. She slowly walked over to the house, her feet leaving a trail of blood in the dirt and grass. As she approached the door, she could hear the clinking in a higher frequency than before, as if something was struggling. She slowly opened the door, which conveniently enough, wasn't locked at all. It was quite typical of people in Green Fall to just forget to lock their doors, who knows why. A somewhat high pitched [i]YAP![/i] sound rang out as she opened the door, the noise caused her to flinch slightly, but she noticed that it was a small animal. A wolf cub. She frowned slightly at the bindings that held the poor creature, the shackles it wore had rubbed at it's ankles causing it to lose the fur and injure it slightly. She approached the excited cub, giving it a warm smile before whistling to it as you would to a regular dog. She decided it would be a good idea to give it a pat. She figured that the man that she followed would know what to do with shackles when he saw them.