Nyima nodded when he spoke, explaining what could and would happen. She glanced at her room, she should have a pair of gloves from her old clothes. She'd dig them out and put them into her bag for the evening. She looked back at Rayn and smiled, "Well, then we'll pick a place in the morning and meet when we are done work." She sped up eating, wanting to find her gloves before she left for work. Finishing up, she stood and brought her dish to the sink and washed it. She was quiet for a moment before she spoke again, "So, the docks tonight. If there are more gangs down there... There might be a few Airbenders hanging around with the same ill intentions." She smiled at him, "Maybe having a meek girl with you to help lure out the '[I]bad guys[/I]' will make you job a little easier," She looked over him, her eyes finding a few scars here and there, "And maybe you won't get a bloodied." She dried and put her dish away before she walked into her room. After a little bit of searching, she found her gloves and put them into her bag. She glanced at Rayn, "You really aren't happy about this arrangement... are you?"