I took a lot of liberties with the world in which this is based so if you have a problem with any of it, just let me know! If it helps, they are basically extremists for this religion. So it doesn't have to represent the world at large. [hider] [center]Holy Kingdom of the Awliyan People[/center] [center](HKAP)[/center] [center][img]http://turkestan.weebly.com/uploads/3/2/3/4/3234645/3535974_orig.png[/img][/center] [b]Faction Name:[/b] Holy Kingdom of the Awliyan People (H.K.A.P) [b]Faction Main Base of Operation:[/b] Camp Weskerhill (Located in the Southmarch countryside) [b]Faction Goals:[/b] Unite the people of Noravea under a new banner , ethnically cleanse the area of Cartanians and Laurentians for it's rightful heirs, and complete the exodus to the holy land. [b]Faction Composition:[/b] Consists mostly of followers of Awliya, usually people who hail from Novorea and seek to have their religion be the uniting force of the country. There is some cultural diversity from county backgrounds amongst members, though they are all Novorean Awliyans except for a few foreigners who have given up their contemporay lives and managed to bypass PEACEFOR to join the holy war. There are also those who join the HKAP as conscripts, those who's home is occupied by the faction and want to press a claim for Laurentian and Cartanian property during the exodus. Conscripts might be followers of Awliya themselves but that is not always the case. [b]Initial Assets:[/b] Improvised and makeshift explosives created by the radical veterans of HKAP, when the cells were still divided and relied on acts of terror. A few foreigners from different corners of the planet who follow the ways of Awliya have heard of the plight in Noravea and have answered the call. Although the church officially denies a worldwide Alkum - Bhaar (Holy War), they have urged international followers to pray for and support the struggling pilgrims, which is enough for some very pious followers. The central five commanders, along with the faction leader, are professionally trained and armed with military grade weapons. [b]Methods of Operation:[/b] Orders come from the Awliyan Knights, which was previously a squad of profesionally trained and well equipped soldiers serving in the army of Crimson Grey. The Knights hold daily meetings and come up with missions for their troops to accomplish, taking tactical advice and hearing the final say of their leader, Aalamgeer Moghaddam. The orders are then passed down to the three officers, who each command a Bhaalkar (Immortal) squad. Immortal squads were previously teror cells, each consisting of seven to eight members who had no contact with each other aside from distant officer interaction. The Bhaalkar squads now work in unision, soldiers taking orders from their leading officers and going on missions to strike at government facilities, recover usable resources, weapons, or technology, and liberate areas of civilians who are willing to submit to HKAP rule in favor of a better government or even join the cause. Bhaalkar squads are armed with older equipment that was either purchased from blackmarket sources or stolen over the years from Crimson Grey's army. With the addition of more forces later, a third division of levied troops and conscripts will initially be placed under the control of an Immortal that distinguishes themselves. This third division will go under the label of Isthals (Legionaires), and will serve as the main army of the HKAP, occupying territory, commencing major assaults, defending fortifications, and being sent to the front line. Although the HKAP doesn't begin with much more besides the Knights and Immortals, a plan to draft civilians has already been formulated. Any man in territory occupied by the HKAP has a right to any property seized from the Laurentians and Cartanians and a plot of land in the holy land, thus urged to join the cause as a conscript. Ishtals would be armed with what ever weapons they could muster and the loot of Crimson Grey's armories would later be divided to Ishtals who proved their worth. Those who don't join the army are put under a tax unless they contribute to the greater good, such as providing a fraction of their crops. This is all in exchange for free education and medical care provided by followers of Awliya who also put up their services instead of joining the war or paying taxes and have instead worked out a deal with the HKAP. This method of operation serves the needs of the people and provides a levy and supplies to the military forces as well, creating a system of government that is a mix between theocratic feudalism and communism. Villages, towns, cities, and districts are all pretty autonomous and are expected to keep and enforce their own laws. Foreigners who join the cause are not considered Bhaalkars but are not Ishtals either (they have no claim on property and have no right to the holy land). They are instead in direct service of the Bhaalkars and are often given work as support for Ishtal operations, suicide bombings, or propaghanda efforts. [b]Faction History:[/b] The worship of Awliya has been practiced in the Novorean region for hundreds of years but the only true Awliyan organization was a conglamorate of doctors, teachers, and priests who dedicated themselves to spreading the word of their Goddess and serving the greater good of the realm. It wasn't until recently that this conglamorate had finally began to band together in a unified group. Although love for Crimson Grey was never particularly strong, most Awliyans wished to petition the dictator for permission or even complete support for the exodus. When Crimson Grey outlawed public works and worship by Awliyan followers, groups that once consisted of civilian followers such as teachers, craftsmen, scientists, and other community members became extremists and formed terror cells which participated in guerilla ambushes on government patrols, organized suicide bombings, and started protests in the first ever Alkum - Bhaar in the name of Awliya . With the collapse of the economy and the approaching destruction of the nation he once held faith in, Aalamgeer Moghaddam decided to give up his life to Awliya and join the Alkum - Bhaar, convincing his squad to abandon their post. Using personal connections, Aalamgeer sought out the terror cells and organized them into fighting forces before giving them basic training and providing them with equipment. The new group came to the conclusion that it was now their chance to restore the once proud Awliyan kingdom and soon complete the exodus. They formed the HKAP and are now striving to increase their numbers and conquer territory before finally pushing toward their goals. [b]Faction Leadership:[/b] Tskar Alamgeer and the five Knights of Awliya. [u]Faction Eyes[/u] -Tskar (Hand of Awliya) Aalamgeer Moghaddam: Army deserter and self proclaimed Tskar of the Awliyan faith. Aalamgeer no longer joins in on any missions, realizing his importance to the cause. He only leaves Camp Weskerhill to survey conquered territory, deliver speeches to the civilian populace, station himself at a camp on the front to better command an important battle, or make contact with other faction leaders. Aalamgeer is behind most HKAP tactics, taking suggestions from the Knights but ultimately having the final say. Instead of drafting a constitution, he opts for the Awliyan holy scripture and his own say to be the law of the land. -Paladin Kaing Ebbard, Awliyan Knight: Abandonded his post with Aalamgeer. He now offers suggestions to the newly crowned Tskar and helps maintain control of the faction. The Tskar typically dispatches Paladins such as Kaing to overseer operations that he doesn't have the time to look into. Kaing finds himself disagreeing with the Tskar often and considers himself to be a more competent leader, hoping to rise up in power given enough time. -Officer Kalimdor Falki of the third Bhaalkar Squad: Previously the leader of a terror cell originating in Jaynestown. Joined Tskar Aalamgeer and kept his position of leadership but becoming much more professional and changing his title to that of an officer. Takes orders from the Knights and leads his squad in conjunction, usually hitting rival squads that belong to Grey's forces and destroying infrastructure. -Bhaalkar Arwa Kolea of the second Bhaalkar Squad: Once a doctor who ran a clinic for the poor and downtrodden, Arwa and a few friends formed a terror cell to fight against the oppresive government in the name of religious freedom. After accepting the Tskar as their liege, the second squad was given proper training and meaningful tasks. They are now frequently performing public works, setting up defenses in conquered territory and supporting Ishtal troops when necessary. -Ishtal Legate Joshua Abrahms: His grandfather was one of the first Noravean followers of Awliya, searching for answers amidst the horrors of the Great War that tore his family apart. The religion was passed on through his son and ending with Joshua, who became a member of one of the terror cells that fought for their Goddess in Noravea. After committing to several dangerous missions which involved assaults on police forces, Joshua was given charge of the Ishtals as Legate. He commands them from Weskerhill and joins the main force after orders have been issued. (Introduced later) -Ishtal Opheous Rekki of Southport: Rekki was originally from Southport, son to a merchant and a stay at home mother. With the collapse of the economy, the stability of the nation was under duress. Rekki wanted a part in the coming change, he wanted to feel important, and most of all.. he heard of a faction which would provide him fame and riches for his service. (Introduced later) -Nathan Howell from Northland: A Northlander who follows the way of Awliya. He slipped past the border and miraciously came into contact with the Awliyan kingdom, hoping to join the fray. Nathan was placed under the charge of the first Bhaalkar Squad with a few other foreigners and is eager to prove that he'd sacrifice his own life for the Goddess if it came down to that. --- [b]Awliyan religion:[/b] Awliya is the mother of mankind and the giver of light. She gave birth to both her chosen people and the same within the same day. Her children lived in land of Skavaria and they were happy there for a long time. However, some of Awliya's children were not satisfied and were curious to the outside world. The children banded together and rose against their creator, leaving the holy land of Skavaria in order to be free and explore the world that their mother had made. Awliya had warned them that the world was a dangerous place and she kept her children within the borders of Skavaria to protect them. Despite the fact that they had hurt her so much, she forgave them and created another territory for them to dwell, one that was rich with resources and would provide for them. This came at a price however. Awliya cursed her children to be divided in belief and pushed to fight one another. She claimed that the only way that the world would know peace is if her children came together and returned to the holy land of Skavaria along the exact path which they had left it. [b]Awliyan religious structure:[/b] There are people all over the world who believe in and worship the goddess Awliya, though they know that they are not the ethnic 'chosen' people, or they claim to have ancestors who were. The chosen people are the ethnic Noraveans, those residing in the kingdom made by their Goddess. The followers of Awliya look to a religious head for advice and other information, their Caliph. The Caliph is elected by and rules over the Caliphate, a congregation of priests from around the world who have come together to help those in need. The Caliphate doesn't actually endorse the idea of returning to the holy land, interpreting holy scripture to instead claim that the holy land is heaven itself and the kingdom for which Awliya created after they left is actually the world itself. Therefore, although the Caliphate acknowledges Noraveans as the chosen people from the scripture, they do not support any action taken to push said claims.[/hider]