[hider=brotherhood] -Faction Name: (The) Brotherhood of Jinn -Faction Type: Established Group -Faction Main Base of Operation: Concordia region, most operations so far has been the areas of south Pleuria and north Concordia. -Faction Goals: Destruction of Crimson Grey's empire and the restructuring of Noravea into to a viable, respectable, modern nation. -Faction Composition: The Brotherhood does not discriminate between its members. Most are ethnic Noraveans but there are some from outside the borders. Their religious beliefs generally follow the old Tales of Jinn, a mythical nation of wonder and wealth, akin to the 'Atlantis' of earth- An ideal they wish to use as a basis for Noravea's future. Many of this group are infiltrators, still operating within Grey's own army. -Initial Assets: Financially, the brotherhood itself does not own property or investments in foreign capital but rather individual members whom share bank accounts. This not only enables the brotherhood to maintain a huge financial reserve but also makes tracing the cash flow near impossible as any trace would only lead to an individual, not a business. This money has been used to purchase weapons, armor, electronics such as wireless lap tops amongst other things. A few special things they possess is a very limited number of high-end AA and AT missiles. Too few to win a strategic war but enough to defend their key areas in the case of discovery. For communication they use high end encrypted radios. They do not possess any tanks or aircraft as there are no places to store them that wouldn't be noticeable by the government, albeit they do possess training manuals and videos for the common IFV's and Aircraft of Novarea. -Methods of Operation: The upper leadership is well connected but spread out to avoid the "cutting off the head" from occurring. Current operations have been low key as in hacking attempts to disable government functions and the occasional mortar strike on the major military bases to keep their heads down. They are very pro-populace and their forces are often portrayed in more disenfranchised nations as heroic and just, saving children from burning homes and setting off car bombs at government functions. -Faction History: The true history of the brotherhood can be traced back to the bronze age of the world. It is a group that appears here and there throughout history. The origin is a mythical city named Jinn where beautiful people and structures dominated a far green country. Supposedly there was a group called the brotherhood, a sect of unearthly warriors blessed by the gods to do good in the world. The nation was ascended by the gods of that time, leaving only a massive crater where the nation sat. The crater is still there today and scholars believe it was merely a story as to what the crater truly is. Regardless as to if this history is true, the brotherhood is a very real entity. It has appeared in major events including assassinations that have changed the world. Whether this brotherhood in Noravea is truly linked to this high end and widely known group is unknown but people and even some governments pause at the thought of it arising once more. Noravea's sect seems to start roughly 14 years ago when another private group, "the Heralds" whom worked closely with Gray, was decimated. This group was headed by a man named Darius black, a well known proponent of the nation's government at that time. 8 years ago when the Allied nations shunned the WMD situation, Darius spoke out to Gray, pleading with him to comply with the Allied nations. Gray shortly after had him executed. . 7 years ago, the brotherhood announces its arrival via the internet and leaked videos. The group begins operations against its own government, calling to nations like the LSS for aid in removing a despot which are ultimately denied. The brotherhood began purchasing local weapons and investing in a number of off shore companies, providing the inevitable funding for open revolution. 4 years ago, the brotherhood begins car bombings and mortar strikes against government facilities. Some people, especially the disenfranchised, see them as freedom fighters whereas "civilized" nations tend to view them as terrorists. -Faction Leadership: Matthias Black, the enigmatic leader with his heart set on killing Gray for the death of his brother, Darius. Lackas Ortai, A higher ranking freedom fighter from the orient. She is a logistics genius.. And pretty handy with a sniper rifle. She doesn't reveal why she has travelled to Noravea to help the brotherhood to anyone, but she actually wants to use Matthias to help her create her own revolution in her homeland. Markus Klein, another migrant from overseas. He is a master financer and manipulator. He has a deep respect for Matthias as he feels he is the best chance to unify the nation and allow Markus to buy massive stock in the nations oil reserves if not outright monopolize it. -Faction Eyes: Many people will die. This will be updated as characters are created. [/hider]