Antonio paused and snapped his head around toward the opening study door, left hand instinctively reaching for the handle of the holstered Colt that wasn't there,[i]"Thanks alot Bruno"[/i],he grumbled under his breath then relaxed once he saw who it was and watched as the provocative raven haired vixen that was the Underboss made her way across the room like she owned it, without even as so much as a 'Pardon me' as she barely acknowledged that the Don and he were in the middle of a discussion. Antonio bit his tongue from making in improper retort at the sudden intrusion, the Underboss's provocative looks underscored the fact that she could be a real ball buster at the drop of a hat, a small fact a few of the Dons Capo's learned the hard way after she had heard rumor's of they're displeasure of the Don making her Underboss. Antonino turned his attention to the young Lady with the Underboss, the resemblance was easy to see, she seemed to have a more softer demeanor about her then her Sister, but then again, if they were blood related... only time would tell, he surmised then stood and politely took the offered hand,[i]"A pleasure to met you"[/i] he said politely, then turned back to the Don,[i]"Forgive me Don DeMarco, but you have things to discuss with the Underboss, I´ll take my leave and we can finish our talk....later on, without interruption"[/i], Antonino paid respects to the Don, nodded politely to the Ladies then left the study and made his way to the kitchen where after a bit of flirting with the old maid of a cook, he sat down and read the newspaper that was on the table as the cook fixed him some breakfast.