[h2][center]Dr. Gabriel Cole//[color=teal]ICARUS[/color][/center][/h2] [center]==~==[/center] Gabriel was wary as he watched the bulky meta turn toward him. He looked toward the woman he'd been threatening, making sure she wasn't injured in any way. He was... disappointed to find that wasn't the case. Blood spattered her hands- suspiciously dark blood. And her body temperature was dropping rapidly. He raised an eyebrow as time shifted slightly into liquid, his mind speeding up accordingly. [color=teal][i]Daedalus. How hurt is she?[/i][/color] [b]"well, it's... strange, actually. i can detect no injuries on the woman's person."[/b] [color=teal][i]She is coughing up blood, Daedalus.[/i][/color] [b]"hence why i find it strange. physically, she seems fine, aside from the blood and temperature."[/b] [color=teal][i]You think that's Bozo's meta ability?[/i][/color] [b]"uncertain, but unlikely. his phase signature implies enhanced physical abilities, not any sort of corrupting or disease-like... effects..."[/b] [color=teal][i]Daedalus? What's wrong?[/i][/color] [b]"...this can't be right. What on...?"[/b] [color=teal][i]Daedalus, talk to me.[/i][/color] [b]"the woman. the blood, the temperature... i can't be sure, but she seems to be... doing it to herself. or some part of her physiology is, at least."[/b] Gabriel paused, confusion evident (to Daedalus, at least) on his face. [color=teal][i]Come again?[/i][/color] [b]"it's not intentional, of course. but if i'm detecting things properly... i believe she is undergoing a traumatic genesis effect."[/b] Gabriel blinked. [color=teal][i]She's... a meta?[/i][/color] [b]"becoming one, yes."[/b] Before either of them could find out what to do with this information, the bulky intruder turned toward them, almost seeming to be chuckling to himself as he did so. Gabriel rolled his eyes as his mind slipped back to normal-ish speed. [color=teal][i]Great. One of the cocky ones.[/i][/color] "So, a super, a meta, or something else?" rumbled the masked man, before he shot forward, a fist cocked back to strike him. Gabriel flinched slightly, amping his mental processes a bit more to compensate. [color=teal][i]Damn, that was fast![/i][/color] He flowed back to avoid the man's strike, positioning his Hex-Feathers above the man to avoid flinging him back toward the woman with the force of his attack. He looked down at the man, still in the middle of his swing. [color=teal]"Hero,"[/color] he corrected him, before six high-powered particle beams slammed into the man's back, smashing him into the floor.