[i]Just where are you taking him... Ah...[/i] The man with the woman following behind had arrived at what could be described as the law enforcement building in the town - Roy could tell because above the door was a massive sign which read 'Sheriff'. He could only assume that meant that it was a building occupied by the law enforcement entity of the town. The sheriff of the town, or perhaps a deputy, came storming past Evans, who was hiding behind a tree on the side of the road. He was talking something about dead people to another man, who seemed to himself be some form of law enforcement. [i]I'm sorry... what? Dead people walking? What is all of this about...[/i] Roy could tell something was off and it wasn't just the talk of dead people walking, it was like a sixth sense he'd developed in Africa... He could tell there was danger, he just didn't know what it was. He looked up at the tree, it harbored some sturdy-looking branches, he looked at the truck and began to climb. Placing his feet in footholds and pulling with handholds he scaled the, oak?, it was probably an oak tree. He'd reached a particularly stable branch near the top and set himself up. [i]This may be too much... but I feel safer in up here... I have a bird's eye view over the town now...[/i] He could see a great many things. The group behind the sheriff's building took his notice over other going ons in the town. There was a man who everyone was looking at, judging from their body language, the single man was hostile... or perhaps the group was - they were the ones at the law enforcement building. [i]They're probably the good guys... What the bloody hell is that?[/i] The soldier took notice of a whistling... It sent shivers down hhis spine. He had already unclasped his Enfield revolver from the right side of his holster-harness... He drew the weapon at this point. It wasn't long after that he heard the gunshot... He reared his head around and saw a man, who was older - in his fifties? - He held a rifle and had taken a shot at the man behind the building. The man... [i]He has claws now... What is this? What have I stumbled into? I'm in America right? Is this what it's like here? People with claws? Dead people walking? I think I prefer Africa...[/i] The man with the claws dodged the shot... [i]How the hell?[/i] Evans reached to his back and procured an Enfield rifle, made sure it was loaded. He braced himself against the tree, aimed an took a shot - the man dodged again, he took another shot - he dodged again. [i]I'm running out of bullets... One more![/i] He took a third shot, the man dodged, well... mostly. Roy's last bullet caught him in the left foot. [i]One hundred and fifty meters... How is he able to do that and what is that God-awful noise...[/i]