Alright, back to a few more things to address. [@Kaalee] - So only sight based illusions then? Okie dokie. Hm, so going with that classic. Right, so can it can be stopped by you know the whole plugged ears and using will-power to push through it? If it doesn't just mess up. Hm I suppose it shall be fine. I'll probably keep an eye on it. [b]Accepted[/b] [@The Errorist] - Right, just wanted to ask that out of curiosity! Thanks for answering. [@Descartes] - Hey! A dude, and it's a dwarf! One who can't grow a beard and has thus brought a horrible and great shame upon his clan. You know his entire ancestral line is frowning upon this. Out of curiosity, gonna ask if the sentient stone can move or talk. [b]Accepted[/b] Ah, well looks like this is gathering people. Hm, yeah I'm gonna post the introductory in character post later this day for sure.