Using the lasers he could easily control in a defensive posture, Alexander helped protect those on the ship's medical crew who were gathering those injured in the battle. Following one of the groups he found a well-oiled machine being pushed to capacity. The soldiers were clearly capable but the harpies were proving that their numbers and swarming attacks could still take a heavy toll in a hurry. Rather than helping the groups to drag more of the injured into the ship he set about where he would be most useful. Rolling up his sleeves Alexander found a patient and began to work. The man was clearly very injured, slashes and bite wounds covered his body as he bled onto the bed. With the other medical and support staff busy he hurried to guide his healing energies to the worst of the man's wounds. Rather than focusing on healing every cut and bruise while healing his pain he only focused on those injuries which were life-threatening. Already he could tell a couple of other men had died in the small space, clearly designed to save space over taking in and caring for large numbers of battle casualties. His patient's bleeding slowing to a trickle after a few minutes Alexander knew the man's body would heal the rest of the injuries given time. Moving onto a soldier with a broken arm sustained in a fall. It was going to be a long day in his estimation.