I'm Back guys... Now, on to business. [quote=@Arista]Walking quietly and quickly, she came across one and found it packed with other children, her head tilting as her eyes scanned each student, a twitch of her lips signifying a smile as she reached forward and knocked. Pulling the door open, she took a step in and bowed slightly, manners ingrained into her since two taking over as she straightened and offered a small wave. Hopefully these people would be her friends in the coming future. " Hello, have room for one more?" She asked softly, her left hand reaching up to absently tie her ink-black hair with the ribbon she always hand tied to her wrist. Entenia's soft hoot had Amelia's tense muscles relaxing. She unlocked its lock and allowed Entenia to climb into her hand, her talons gripping for balance as Amelia lifted hee hand and places her owl on her shoulder, Entenia hooted softly and flapped her wings as she settles and stills.[/quote] Which car, ours or the twins? Just so someone can get a post out for you, as I don't want you to be left behind because people don't know. Also, the Honeydukes Express Trolly is coming along in my next post or so. [@ImagineVillains] I think that's where Ara and Cal should meet before getting to Hogwarts.