[h1]Alison[/h1] [i]It's okay now, Sir Libé. The magic woman will take care of you until you're healthy enough to be my Knight again.[/i] Alison paused briefly at the entrance to the shrine, waving a tiny goodbye to him. Then she steps outside, feels the darkness curling around her shoulder blades, guiding her wings through. They fan out as they grow, and shimmer in strange patterns. Alison closes her eyes, prepares her special flying princess power, and takes to the skies. It's high up here, and the sky is so blue she can hardly see any clouds. Below, sparse forest, and the grassy plains in which they'd fought the spider. Buildings scattered in the distance, and a lone figure walking through the grass towards the buildings. [i]That must be a village. I bet they're part of my princess kingdom.[/i] She homed in on the man, swooping down to barely two meters above his head and flying in tight circles as she kept up with his much slower pace. "Hey, Emeka! Let's go to the village over there! I bet there's some really cool stuff! You want a ride?"