[hider=Pilot] [b]Name: [/b]Alyssa Camden [b]Appearance: [/b][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/polls/895000/895678_1323107744258_full.png[/img] [b]Age: [/b]16 [b]Personality: [/b]To Alyssa, revenge had never been her answer to a conflict...but that changed with the death of her parents. Now she wants nothing more than to pay the Cruxi back for all the lives they've taken, even going so far as to brag about how she's gonna devastate the Cruxi with her Frame. In truth, she really is quite scared of going into live combat...which is actually why she enjoys being an artillery unit, as she'll be less likely to run face-to-face with the Cruxi. [b]Motive to live: [/b]Alyssa fights to kill Cruxi invaders and protect her younger brother, Clyde. [b]Background: [/b] Following the death of her Parents while they were away on a trip to the outer worlds, Alyssa lived with her grandparents for a few years before she entered training to become a Framewerk pilot. Before all that, though, Alyssa wanted to be a singer or musician...she loved music, and listened to it all the time. For her tenth birthday, her parents bought a piano...though it was truly meant for the whole family, she thought of it as hers. Her real birthday present was actually a dollhouse...which she pretended to like but really didn't like, because she [i]had[/i] wanted it three years earlier but never got it...at least until that birthday. That had been two years before her parents died, and is perhaps her most vivid memory of them. [b]Notable Deaths: [/b]Alyssa's parents were killed in a Cruxi attack on the outer worlds, and her older brother, John, enlisted as a result. She followed in his footsteps and enlisted, only to learn that he had been killed in action during her first few months in training. [b]Other things: [/b] [/hider] [b]Synchro Rate: [/b]80% [hider=Framwerk] [b]Framewerk Code Name: [/b]Delta Silver [b]Appearance: [/b][img]http://www.preternia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Bexb-QwCEAAVZ_H.jpg-large.jpg[/img] [b]Signature Weapon System: [/b]Twin Artillery/Mortar cannons, complete with Projectile Flight Path Calculation Systems that predict the arcing paths of shells before they are fired from the weapon. Weather is not taken into account by the calculations, though as the shells are generally both heavy and explosive; weather is less of a concern when it comes to hitting a targeted area. The movement of enemy units is also not taken into account in the system's calculations, as the same excuse was used; the shells are generally explosive and the weapon is intended for area of effect devastation. The cannon barrels are also modified to extend or shorten in length to allow better control over operational range, which, when coupled with the 90 Degree Vertical Aiming Drive, permits the cannons to fire shells at short-to-long ranges. "Artillery Mode" refers to when the cannons are both extended and angled within 45 degrees from horizontal over the shoulders to allow for long-range bombardment, while "Mortar Mode" refers to when the cannons are shortened and within 45 degrees of being vertical to allow for rapid bombardment at medium ranges, and lastly "Direct Mode" refers to when the cannons are angled almost entirely horizontal over the shoulders to allow for direct fire at shorter ranges. With the barrels extended beyond 50% length, the cannons can achieve a fire rate of about 1 / 4 seconds each, while reaching as fast as 1 / 2 seconds when the barrels are shortened to below 50% length. These cannons also have an assortment of shells available for use that can be switched out by pilot commands, the available shells are as follows; (changing the type of shell prevents the use of the cannon in the same post) [list] [*]HEF-I Shell: All-Purpose, Standard-Issue High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary shells that are more dangerous to use at shorter ranges due to the fragmentation and incendiary effects of the shells. These shells have a more pronounced arc, and are recommended for use in either Artillery or Mortar Mode. [*]APHE Shell: Armor-Piercing High-Explosive shells designed for short to long range engagements. These shells have a less pronounced arc that allows for greater range, and are especially effective in Direct Mode due to possessing a smaller explosion radius. [*]HYDRA Shells: Specially designed shells that break apart and separate in midair, releasing a swarm of explosive capsules that rain devastation down over a targeted area. Recommended for Mortar Mode, cannot be used in Direct Mode. These shells must be carefully loaded, and therefore require more time to be loaded; slowing cannon firing rate down to 1 / 4 seconds for a shortened barrel, and 1 / 6 seconds with an extended barrel. [*]Titan Shell: Shells fitted with with Large-Yield (Conventional)Explosive Warheads, resembling the detonation size and strength of a Massive Ordinance Air Blast(MOAB). Recommended only for Artillery Mode, as the explosion radius is...quite large. Cannot be used in Direct Mode. [/list] [b]Secondary Weapon System: [/b]A Plasma Caster is built into both forearms, capable of generating shields and blades made of plasma. A Plasma Shield generated from one arm is a little wider than the Frame's profile, while a Plasma Shield generated from both arms is a little wider than the total width of the Framewerk. Plasma Blades can reach up to 1/2 the total height of the Frame itself in length, with 1/4 being the usual blade length. Using the Plasma Caster too frequently can cause the weapon to overheat and result in internal system damage, and for that reason the Plasma Blade and Plasma Shield can only be safely maintained for a few seconds at a time. [b]Armor Type: [/b]Equipped with medium-strength armor, allowing for decent movement speed and flexibility. [b]Special Ability: [/b]All Frameworks have a special and unique ability that they possess that makes them powerful weapons of war... however, they haven't been unlocked yet. So, for now, keep this section blank. [/hider]