[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma High, Anime & Manga Club Room[/color][/b][/center] Ayano crossed her arms as she looked earnestly at the newbie, while bringing a Wii U would most certainly be fun, the whole setup and thought of it was pretty risky. Before long, Akane finally took note of their presence and merrily laughed, Ayano could only smile at the slight mix-up, [b][i][color=007236]"None taken, Ms. President."[/color][/i][/b] As she explained the basics of the club to the new member, Ayano was most certainly surprised that they can actually create their own pieces, she had a glint in her eyes...She made a small mental note in her head : [list] [*] [i]Bring art materials and/or laptop next time.[/i] [/list] [i][b][color=007236]"Pretty savage, aren't you?"[/color][/b][/i] The girl said, turning to face Akane. The way she said it all with a straight face definitely was noteworthy, if anything it made Ryan scared and nervous and while that was somewhat entertaining, scaring new recruits probably isn't the best business plan. [b][i][color=007236]"A bit too savage though, let's not scare the dude."[/color][/i][/b] In order to make a quick intrusion before things start getting rowdy and the new kid starts bailing out on the club Ayano had a sudden thought. [b][i][color=007236]"Well...How about we start fresh? Y'know, introductions are important. You don't really know us do you? Being new and all."[/color][/i][/b] The girl stood up and faced Ryan, she gave a slight bow before saying, [b][i][color=007236]"I am Ayano Wakahisa, aged 17 and I'm in Class 3-1. I like video games a lot, but I like reading anime and manga as well, I'm mostly into doujinshi though. Nice to meet you, I guess."[/color][/i][/b] That wasn't so hard was it? She sat down again, waiting for either the new kid or Akane to continue, she could only hope that this little idea of hers would lead into a good outcome and not with someone getting kicked out or something to that effect.