[center][h3]Warakuma Hospital 4/5/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] Shortly after Noboru had left, visibly confused, unsure or flushed, Rui waited just a bit before walking in himself. It was clear Chiaki was okay, so there was no need to worry about that. She could probably guess why he was here, it was about the whole... Dungeons and Shadows thing. Although the atmosphere was awkward. Some personal belongings with sentimental value were left on the tables too, but he was sure to give it at least several seconds before walking in. How was he going to mention? Not to mention he now recognized she was the same model from a lot of fashion magazine covers. Although she looked quite different from the covers, not that it surprised him that much. [color=slategray]"I guess now isn't the best time to say you both will be in the same spelunking group...?"[/color], he began, and with a joke no less.