[b]DISCLOSURE:[/b] Hey, so this seems neat. IRL I go through internet spotty periods. They shouldn't last more than a day, but just putting that out there. ALSO I can switch over to a needed role if needed. This was just the first one that came to mind. [b]Name:[/b] Chang'e [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Former war affiliation:[/b] Unafiliated. Men war and women get the lion's share of suffering. [b]Role on the ship:[/b] Companion [hider=Chang'e][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/e635/f/2014/035/9/a/smite_chang_e_by_scebiqu-d751x97.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] - Calligraphy - Dancing - Astrology and star mapping - Butterfly sword training - Master Masseuse