The day was dragging by extremely slowly Jay thought to himself as he mindlessly doodled in his notebook, the droning voice of Mrs Riggs floating about in the back of his mind. He had enjoyed Chemistry up until this year, of the sciences it had the most lab work and who doesn't like putting a test tube of god knows what over a Bunsen burner and waiting to see if it explodes, however this year he had been moves to Mrs Riggs class, the old bat seemed to think that reading paragraph after paragraph in her monotone drone was the way to teach and worse, if she caught you not paying attention she'd give you detention!? thinking of that he should probably pay just a little more attention... "The nanotube naming scheme can be thought of as a vector in an infinite graphene sheet that describes how to 'roll up' the.." Is that even chemistry?! The bell rang saving Jay from further deliberations, he picked up his bag from by his feet and joined the rush for the door. In the corridor he joined the flow of people that were heading outside, he was meeting Carrie out front before they went off to find some food and then plan their night. Two people collided and as scattered textbooks hit the ground Jay joined the quiet laughter that immediately broke out in the crowded corridor, he stepped around the obstruction and continued on his way.