[hider="Do you like hurting people"] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/payday/images/5/5e/Hlm2_new_background.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/325?cb=20150226113331[/img] Name: Jacket but dose answer to Richard Age: Mid-Late 20’s Gender: Male Universe: Hotline Miami Personality: Jacket is a very quite fellow never speaking except through tape recorder – by playing back bits and pieces of learning tapes, PAs and narrations. Where he is effective, he is also difficult to deal with. Bold, disinhibitted and mean Bio: Not much is known about but he has military background. Equipment: he has a hammer in his pocket and a sub-machine gun but he can uses anything as a weapon Powers and Skills: . His background in the military and his unflinching attitude towards over-the-top violence has made him an excellent hitman. And he is quite creative when he comes to his kills. Other: -Likes video games -carries several mask [b]SECOND VERSION[/b] Name: Jacket (Richard Fritz) Where they are from: Hotline Miami Age: Mid Twenties Gender: Male Abilities: he’s fast, strong (strong enough to break someone skull with his fist alone) and most importantly smart using this mixture of skills Jacket has killed over 389 people. Pic: [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/2ab1/th/pre/f/2015/102/5/8/hotline_miami_by_ginushka123456789-d8pg1ac.png[/img] Crush (in your universe if any): The Hooker Likes: Video Games, Movies, cigarette, pizza, blond women Dislikes: Russians, police officers. Weakness: Jacket can be killed with anything that would kill a human Personality and background: Jacket is very quiet, almost seemingly mute which is false. He is thoroughly laid back. His background in the military and his unflinching attitude towards over-the-top violence has made him seems generally unafraid to die. which in turn helps him be a excellent hitman. Jacket likes to relax after every job by watching movies, play video games and eat junk food or pizza Jacket enjoys immediate Name: Jacket Age: Unknown believed to be in his mid-late twenties Gender: Male Race: human World/Verse: Hotline Miami Sexuality: Straight Bio: Unknown Personality: Jacket is very quiet, almost seemingly mute which is false. He is thoroughly laid back. Jacket likes to relax after every job by watching movies, play video games and eat junk food or pizza, Jacket enjoys immediate Rewards. His background in the military and his unflinching attitude towards over-the-top violence has made him seems unafraid to die. which in turn helps him be a excellent hitman, his background in the military has made him known to be genuinely respectful for those who have or had served in the military Weapons: Baseball bat, Keeps a uzi hidden in his jacket, hammer Appearance[img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/2ab1/th/pre/f/2015/102/5/8/hotline_miami_by_ginushka123456789-d8pg1ac.png[/img] [/hider]