After the knock upon the door and the announcing of Jacob's summoning to the grand master, Mei'lin concealed her feminine gestures and started to play out her masculine charade once more. [color=gold]"Understood. However, I shall remain here to take care of the matter regarding the letter addressing my high commander. It will take no longer than minutes but please, you may go ahead,"[/color] the general suggested with 'his' arm directing towards the door. When the room was filled with silence once more, 'he' settled upon the desk and started to neatly inscribe how the negotiation had gone and asked permission for going with the counter proposal from the tactician, at least, for the time being. Gazing upon the courtyard before her, the Chon'sin maiden had finally arrived after turns and walks along the hallways of Ylisstol, with guidance of the available servants. Coming to a stop, her arms were crossed atop her chest with an amused expression upon her features. [color=gold]"Hoh? A spar between the tactician and another? This should prove to be of some interest. ...[i]And perhaps it will be of use to know of his movements and patterns[/i]..."[/color] The sparring opponent has yet to be chosen but it piqued her interest nevertheless. In the future if the alliance were to fail, studying his moves should come in handy in the future.